Calles: I really am so thankful that he suggested that to me, because if he hadnt have, I probably wouldve never done it, because I wouldnt take anybody else seriously enough to even think about doing it. They didnt try to become reality-TV stars. Thank you for listening. Dang, Jeff What happened? Helena Louvaris and Melanie Lupino, two of Youngs staunch defenders, both declined to speak with me when I called them back to see if they still supported him after he was jailed. (Ringing leads into a soft, humming organ song.). A new court filing, first reported by The Tennessean last week, portrays the Rock Doc as a menacing figure at the intersection of the opioid crisis and the #MeToo movement. Scott Deberry: Everyone in his office was all white. Scott Deberry: And, you know, once you get around the tattoos and the way he talkscause he talks to you as if hes talking to you on the streets As long as he was going to take care of me and make me feel okay, or make me feel better, I had no problem with that. As the cameraman who filmed the pilot told me, Everywhere he went, it was like the Beatles., But the way in which Young gained some of these fans has become the focus of a federal court case. According to a medical-board report, one employee recalled Young having sex in his office with a patient who appeared to be drugged; when Young left, she was passed out on the couch. Unnamed guest: I cant believe he stabbed himself (Fades under.). All of them said that they didnt think Jeff sexually abused them. I talked to him a couple of weeks ago. Khazan: He worked in the timber industry, and one day at work, he got overheated and disoriented. Longoria: Pharmaceutical companies marketed these drugs aggressively to doctors. Khazan: And some of what she saw really weirded her out. This ingratiating tendency allegedly extended to handing out prescriptions. But as I talked to more patients, they started saying things that really surprised me. He pleaded not guilty to the . They learned to ignore it. His Rock Doc persona helped him connect with patients who might never have felt comfortable in a traditional doctors office. You could see, almost, when you were talking to him, he was listeningand he was thumping that pen to the beat of the music. When I visited the clinic shortly before the hearing, Young had just finished up with a patient. Were small enough where we still talk, Jerry Gist, who was the mayor at the time, told me. Young became known for putting drugs into the hands of almost anyone who asked. Most doctor appointments, after all, average a nerve-racking 17 minutes, in which you spill out a complicated medical history and pray the doctor has a good solution. Olga Khazan: At the time, there wasnt a lot of limits on pharmaceutical companies being able to tell doctors that. Ballard: I dont believe Jeff overprescribed medication. When one video was apparently manipulated by one of his detractors and posted online, Young threatened whoever might have done it. Its often called the invisible illness, because, even though the pain is very real for the person experiencing it, some doctors dont take it seriously. Khazan: Because I couldnt talk to Jeff, Ive spent more hours than I want to admit combing through his Periscope videos, trying to understand this man. And the word that kept coming up when people described Jeff is comfortable. I mean, you wouldve thought they were giving away meds for free, to be honest. (The background music shifts tone dramatically to a wispy, light, contemplative energy.). Angele Latham. Scott Deberry: When I first was going in the office, I could go in there and thered be maybe 10 of us in there. He refilled MYs prescriptions for Percocet and Valium, and also prescribed him hydrocodone. Branding himself the Rock Doc in a self-produced reality-TV pilot, Young would wear band T-shirts and blast music as he met with patients; he sometimes broadcast appointments and medical procedures on the live-streaming app Periscope. And that was not the case at all. His lawyer also declined to answer any specific allegations. When it was getting close to the end of when I was going, it would be packed. In recent years, the Justice Department has started coming for unscrupulous doctors and pharmacists, too. Though he was not an M.D., Young christened himself the Rock Doc.. Opioid manufacturers such as Endo, the maker of Opana, and Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, targeted high-volume providers, in particular generalists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, who generally had less expertise in pain management and were more receptive to marketing from sales consultants, according to a lawsuit filed by the state of Tennessee against Endo in May 2019. While Youngs antics could be a nightmare for his staff, his pool of patients increased as word about his practice spread. After the raid, Young spent the night in jail on an outstanding warrant, and PreventaGenix closed soon after. Without doing a physical exam, Young diagnosed MY with chronic lower-back pain and anxiety, the letter details. The camera follows Young as he treats patients, talks on a local radio station, dances with women at a club, and brags about drinking. The cost of producing the Rock Doc pilot, about $2,000, was entirely paid for by the clinic, Gutgsell claimed in a deposition. In another, he totters around with an empty bottle of bourbon and pans the camera over to Phillips, who is asleep on the couch. Naylor: They just immediately hit it off. Brown hair, green eyes, amazing body. He smells them again. Other doctors dont post pictures of themselves with motorcycles and scantily clad women, either. His wife also loves animals and works in the same clinic. The first move of any significant consequence for Young came in early 2017, when the DEA raided the clinic. Young appeared to operate more subtly. I tried to reach out to women who Jeff was rumored to have exchanged drugs for sex with, but none of them wanted to talk on the record. Naylor: Yes, he does. Khazan: Part of making her feel better was prescribing her opioids. American doctors went on to prescribe opioids at much higher rates than their counterparts in other countries. Jeffrey " Jeff " Young (born March 31, 1962) is an American guitarist. He would still be allowed to prescribe testosterone and cough syrup with codeine, however. Young grabs them and takes a big whiff. Trust me, I got people, he says to the camera. He may have that, but hes not Hes down to earth. Early in the epidemic, Purdue gave doctors OxyContin fishing hats and swing-music CDs to encourage them to prescribe more of the drug. I had had back surgery, and I really had real problems that no one wanted to listen to me about. Listen to the trailer for, The Hard-Partying, Rock-Obsessed Nurse at the Center of a Massive Opioid Bust. Even now, I cant say that. Thank you for taking care of me, not just the sex and satisfaction but the Soma too, wrote one patient, referring to a muscle relaxer. Why would you go to this doctor? Scott Deberry: But after a while, when you read stuff, how many people could be wrong? And Jeff, sitting at the center of it, covered in tattooshe had a sort of unlikely charisma too. ), Khazan: So doctors were kind of like, Okay.. She doesnt believe the allegations against him, and chalks them up to pure jealousy. Branding himself as the "Rock Doc," he flooded his social media accounts with images of a party-loving lifestyle, vitriol for his "haters" and even a pilot episode for a reality TV show . All of his patients I saw when I would come would be all white. In one post, tagged with American holocaust, he writes, I have always been a survivor and have scars of significance to symbolize thus, and this is where they have underestimated me and my resolve., In March 2020, after the coronavirus pandemic broke out, Young petitioned the court to be released to house arrest because he was on immunosuppressive drugs for a kidney transplant he had years ago and was concerned about the risk of complications from COVID-19. He blasted heavy metal at his private practice and filled his Instagram feed with photos of himself smoking cigars. Longoria: This week, Olga Khazan peers into an internet portal to try to find one answer to how on earth we found ourselves in an opioid crisis. He tied the knot with his beautiful wife Dr. Petra. (Court records do not contain the names of Youngs alleged victims.) Jeffrey Young wanted to give you a real look inside his clinic. Additional audio from Purdue Pharma, The Rock Doc TV Show, @JY2RocDoc, and Bat Pig Pictures. In 2012, Young was working at a cardiology practice in Jackson when, with a consultant named Rich Reitz and cardiologist named Dharmesh Patel, he set up a side business giving talks to doctors about treating heart attacks and strokes. Through his attorney, he declined to comment on this and the other allegations in this story because of a gag order issued by the judge in the case.). To one patient, who he prescribed hydrocodone, amphetamines, and fentanyl, he said, I accept all insurance. Young cared for all kinds of people, some of whom didnt have money or health insurance. In April 2019, he was indicted on drug-trafficking charges, along with five other medical providers in Jackson, two of whom were the supervising physicians Young, as a nurse practitioner, was required to have. It feels claustrophobic.). And, to be honest, most of the time when you see a white male with a lot of tattoos, theyre usually not someone that hangs around with people of different races. The Rock Doc affectations, Louvaris said, merely show that hes different from other doctors. He invited a cameraman to document his life and eventually had it edited into a pilot for a reality-TV show. But she also told me the story of her ex-husband. Aw, shit! Khazan: Or stitch someone up after they cut themselves on a wine glass. It surprised her, but Jeff was attuned to all that. If PreventaGenix staffers suspected that a patient was abusing drugs, they would sometimes try to fire the patient, by telling him or her not to return to the clinic. This social-media stardom appears to have helped inoculate him against concerns that his loose approach to medicine could harm anyone. Officials were well aware of the allegations surrounding him over this period: The states health department had received at least 13 complaints about Young since 2015. [Khazan laughs, then Calles emphasizes each word that follows.] They described Young to me as intelligent, as knowing almost as much as a doctor would knowor maybe even more. She was referred to Jeff by one of her friends. [A moment of indistinct crosstalk.] Calles: Yes. November 7, 2018, marked the beginning of legal repercussions for Young. Stephanie had been in an abusive relationship and dealt with a slew of other traumas. On my trip, I strolled by a glass case near the federal courthouse that held a large Bible opened to the Gospel of John. Not all of them were into the whole edgy hard-rock thing at first. Young did seem to be famous enough in Jackson, however, to reinforce his own grand vision of himself. This requirement is waived, however, in cases where public health, safety, or welfare imperatively requires emergency action.). I didnt know that. But tonally, much of the footage betrays him. In 2014, Young began seeing a patient identified as MY in a letter from Tennessees department of healtha letter that would ultimately lead to a nursing-board hearing for Young. In 2011, the couple got in a fight while visiting Panama City Beach, Florida, and it was determined that Young did throw, or shove, Mrs. Young from the bed to the floor, the police report reads. Alperovichs lawyer declined to comment.). Khazan: Online, Jeff would get drunk and smoke cigars. Longoria: Olga Khazan is a staff writer at The Atlantic whos been covering the opioid epidemic for the last seven years. (Somber, reflective droning notes play up. Actually very nice, yeah. You may not like my tattoos. Jackson nurse-practitioner Jeffrey Young, known as the "Rock Doc," was released on bond and will be allowed to continue treating patients, a federal judge ruled Thursday. Despite the accumulation of evidence suggesting that Young was running his practice recklessly and endangering patients, he remained licensed to write prescriptions for five years after PreventaGenix opened its doors. One agent testified in court that the bureau had uncovered Facebook messages such as one sent to Young in August 2016 by someone known in court as SW: My girl for eight years is an addict You write her any more scripts youre going to kill her, man. Meanwhile, many of Youngs patient charts had allegedly stopped being monitored: One supervising physician came in once, reviewed Youngs charts, and withdrew from the supervising agreement immediately based on what he saw. Multiple surveys show that people tend to trust health-care workers more than they trust many other professionals, including police officers and clergy members. Still, the citys southernness peeks through. I asked to speak with him for this story, but because of a gag order on the case, his lawyer declined interviews with me. Young grew up in Bethel Springs, a 700-person village near Jackson. Naylor: My husband hadnt been to a doctor in years. (The two clap each others backs in a half-hug.). Khazan: Jeff and his friend Kevin would often head to Periscope to defend themselves. Khazan: In his Periscope videos, Jeff insisted it was all fun and games, and people were just criticizing him because of his style. The former patient told me she became afraid to leave her house. Khazan: But she did remember this one hint shed had that something might be wrong in Jeffs office. Instead, Young began by kicking Reitz out of the business, Reitz told me. Once his colleagues were out of the business, Young began crafting a persona based around rock music and hard living. His lawyer also declined to answer any specific allegations. Thats okay. (Four years later, the health department received a complaint about this testosterone sideline, but the complaint was never assigned to an investigator, according to Pickering.) Khazan: Anyone online could watch him, say, biopsy someones skin while listening to hard rock. The music plays on.). (In response to a request for comment, a health-department spokesperson noted that, according to state law, the department cant suspend medical licenses without first giving practitioners the opportunity to demonstrate compliance regarding the allegations against them. (Patel did not respond to requests for comment.) At the same time, building himself up as a renegade nurse practitioner seems to have allowed Young to sweep his faults under the rug of unconventionality. Phillips popped off to a friend.). Some of Youngs dalliances with his patient-friends similarly took a dark turn. Right? The daughter, Melody, actually works in her dad's vet clinic. ET on January 28, 2021. The nurse practitioner Jeffrey Young produced a reality-TV pilot in which he branded himself "the Rock Doc., The week that followed Martin Luther King Jr.s assassination was revolutionaryso why was it nearly forgotten? States largely rely on medical boards to regulate practitioners, but these entities have a reputation for leniency. Stephanie would accompany him to different clubs in the area, and wherever he went, she said, he was surrounded by hired bodyguards and friends she called bouncers, who were around for the times when he drank too much or flirted with women and got into fights with their boyfriends. Why didnt anyone try to put a stop to this? I just had a lot of questions about how could this happen, you know? Ultimately, what hastened Youngs downfall is that some of the female patients asking him for drugs were undercover officers. They painted a picture of the kind of medical office where you might actually want to hang out. He exhibited a certain tenderness as he filled syringes and sutured skin. Through his lawyer, Michael R. Working, Phillips did not return several requests for comment. But maybe, just maybe, he showed too much. Some of his patients were police officers whom he would occasionally ask for favors. They didnt have tattoos. Khazan: Christi Calles was the patient who loved listening to Stairway to Heaven.. One patient she knew kept a cane in the trunk of her car and visited doctors offices with it in order to appear disabled so she could get more pills. (They relied on messages obtained by agents during the investigations into Young.) She appreciated that he asked about her grandkids. every time. Young: (Serious, and a little angry.) But none of these barred the Rock Doc from getting drugs into the hands of patients. Longoria: Opioids would be a new kind of painkiller to treat not just acute pain after an event like a surgery, but also pain that was more mundane, like chronic back pain that patients would complain about for years, but which doctors didnt have a clear cure for. Shed come to see Jeff for a range of health issues, from diabetes to cystitis, and she just didnt buy the things people were saying about him. In August 2015, Young prescribed MY what the letter calls a dangerous combination of an opioid, a benzodiazepine, and a muscle relaxant. Khazan: The first time I watched this video, I just heard Jeff making excuses. Thats the big joke. You can find Olgas written reporting on the Rock Doc at our website: Sound design by David Herman. Khazan: He had an account on Periscope, the live-streaming site. Throughout Youngs year-long treatment of MY, Young failed to conduct pill counts, consult a state database meant to monitor the dispensing of controlled substances, and discuss with MY the risks of combining these drugs, according to the document. Young was by no means nationally or even regionally known. Additional music by Nelson Bandela (04 HIDDEN FORCES and Auddi Sun 01 131). (Fades under.). At least 50 women are thought to have come to the clinic to have sex with Young, some of them allegedly doing so in exchange for drugs, according to court testimony. Sometimes he wore scrubs, but most of the time he had on jeans, scrub tops, and a rock T-shirt, and a doctors jacket. Like, all these doctors who are really out of line and just writing so many scripts for so many addictive drugs, theyre really not being careful at all. You can all suck my dick! he yells at the camera in one Periscope video, a stethoscope around his neck and a cigar in his hand. Khazan: Do you remember what kind of music was playing? She would get phone calls at her house, answer, and hear only strange whispers, she said in a court hearing. Hes just laid back. Of course other doctors dont write as many prescriptions, the implication seemed to be. Dan Reaves, a local radio host on whose show Young occasionally appeared as part of a marketing plan, described Young as medically gifted. Julia Longoria: Over 20 years ago, pharmaceutical companies began to market the use of a magical pill. In 2020, had he not been indicted, he would have been allowed to petition to have his prescribing privileges reinstated, as long as he agreed to extra monitoring. They go on working. His case before the nursing board stalled for two more years. The self-proclaimed "Rock Doc" is accused of trading powerful . (Laughs heartily.). The entire epidemic has been an unending story of doctors, pharmaceutical executives, and public officials blithely ignoring signs of danger. Not that theyre not cheating on their wives. To date, none of the alleged victims in Youngs court case has come forward publicly to speak against him. He was found in his bedroom, where the ambulance service discovered an empty syringe under his pillow and empty pill bottles on his bedside table that had been filled that month. Part of the judges reasoning was that Youngs Facebook posts showed a propensity for violence., Young continued blogging from jail, somehow managing to write a few posts for a website that promotes medical providers rights to prescribe opioids freely. Young put his name behind charity projects around town, took health insurance, and offered discounts for people who otherwise couldnt afford care. In the past two decades, overdoses involving prescription opioids have killed more than 232,000 peoplethe population of Jackson several times overand the major players in the epidemic are finally being held to account. Whether or not Young is convicted, the perverse incentives for doctors to see patients for short visits and to prescribe too many unnecessary drugs will remain. Naylor: They would look at me and say [Dismissively. I told him about this podcastexplained to him what a podcast was. Young was late to the office almost every day. So what? As so often happens with irresponsible medical providers, Youngs popularity in the communityalong with an indifferent, slow-moving bureaucracyallowed him to operate for half a decade despite initial warning signs and then multiple arrests and investigations. (Young has denied that hed had sex with the patient who appeared to be drugged.). He would chitchat with his patients, ask them about their latest tattoos. Fact-check by Michelle Ciarrocca and Jack Segelstein. I have found accounts of at least 40 other medical providers in the country who have been accused of exchanging sex for addictive drugs. But the more time I spent thinking about it, the more I started to realize that Jeff has a point. This distinction is important, because while nurse practitioners are functioning in the same capacity as physiciansordering and interpreting And I said, And they say that youre trading sex for medication. He was like, You know, these motherfuckers lie all the damn time. [Chuckles.] She wasnt the only patient to stick by him. But Young was eager to let the world know that he was no typical nurse practitioner. Will be glad to take the balance out of your ass. He asked another patient, to whom he prescribed the opioid hydrocodone, to come in for a checkup the following day and wear a short skirt and no panties., Young was sometimes even more direct. Though both she and Reaves said Young should be held accountable for anything he did wrong, Stephanie told me that she forgave him. They didnt drop F-bombs or smell womens underwear online. Former employees speculated that he met the women in bars. The trial for "Rock Doc" Jeffrey Young, the infamous nurse practitioner from Jackson who was indicted in 2019 on drug trafficking charges and accused of . Im like, Im as outspoken as he is. Use the hashtag #TheExperimentPodcast, or write to us at Youngs case provides a rare glimpse into the ways patients wind up addicted to the powerful painkillers fueling the national opioid epidemic. One employee recalled him sometimes being too drunk to see patients. And I was like, My mind is blown. Naylor: And I remember him saying, Bring him to the office. Purdue ad doctor: These drugswhich, I repeat, are our best, strongest pain medicationsshould be used much more than they are for patients in pain. Khazan: And he posted dozens of videos there. (A long beat of music. Listen to the trailer for. The allegations, when they started coming, though, really started coming fast. Many told me that they didnt want to talk on the record. Im Julia Longoria. Rather than call for help, Young walked away and left me on the ground, she told me. But he, uh He was true to himself; lets say that. I just didnt feel comfortable. Christi Calles lived 30 miles away in Lexington. Mellow and slow, it moves under the narration the way water moves through a stream.). I am a, uh, nurse practitioner. The allegations against Young seemed to take a toll on him, though. Federal prosecutors who charged him in a massive opioid bust say he overprescribed painkillers, often for "money, notoriety, and sexual favors." Young's case provides a rare gl Purdue ad doctor: They dont wear out. Prosecutors say Young used his rebellious persona to take advantage of patients, distributing highly addictive painkillers on demand and in large quantities for profitand, often, his own sexual gratification. (A meandering guitar melody enters the background. The agency also searched Youngs cellphone. Downtown has an old-fashioned square, a few coffee shops striving for trendiness, and some suburban standbysMcAlisters Deli, Kohls, Chilis, Panera Breadall connected by well-maintained roads and featuring black oceans of parking lots. Rumors started to spread in town that strange things were going on in Jeffs office. In one scene, he and his best friend, a pharmaceutical representative named John Kevin Phillips, broadcast themselves on the video-streaming app Periscope. Occupation (s) Guitarist. The next morning, the office manager, Kristie Gutgsell, would clean up after them. Why didnt anyone try to put a stop to this? I just had a lot of questions about how could this happen., Further reading: The Hard-Partying, Rock-Obsessed Nurse at the Center of a Massive Opioid Bust. Young would call these liaisons nooners or say it was tap-that-ass Tuesday, according to court testimony. Throughout the opioid epidemic, a distressing number of doctors have seen a perverse opportunity in Americans suffering. An active and fun show following the life of FNP Jeff Young II at work and his life after work. Nearly a fifth of the citys residents live below the poverty line, and many are afflicted with chronic diseases that often accompany the stresses of a low income. So hes a little out there. Khazan: In one sense, I understand some of Jeffs patients defensiveness toward him. He wasnt in pain. Doctors offices make money by billing insurance companies for the services the providers perform, but it was hard to do this at PreventaGenix because the documentation for Youngs visits was so shoddy. He found diseases, for example, that other doctors missed. Young: Very nice. Young: (Moaning.) Ballard: When it comes to the high-society people, like the pharmacists and these other doctors that were out to get money out of their patientsJeff didnt care about the money. Heres what I can tell you. We cant live if hes out, she said. Ill meet you there. Young is . One former patient who had a falling-out with Young told me he or someone associated with him attacked her on the internet forum Topix, calling her a whore and a drunk. She said her home address and photos of her adult daughters were posted on the site, along with rape threats directed at her daughters. A restaurant called the Little Rebel displayed a Confederate flag. When the local news station, WBBJ, posted a story about Youngs case on Facebook, the usual chorus of defenders raised their voices. I had a brother that passed away, and when he passed away, his friends played that for him at his funeral. (The music opens up into a technologic rainforest as synthesizers mimic birdsong.). Young wanted information about one of his enemies. It was a story her daughter told her about a time she got sick. Its joined at points by a line of harmony played on a synthesizer.). When you got all kinds of money, said Jon Benjamin Sharp, a local musician who used to see Young around town, you got all kinds of friends. (Sharp made clear that he himself wasnt a fan of Youngs.) Khazan: And sometimes theyd even ask their followers and fans to back them up. Youngs second marriage was already in trouble by the time PreventaGenix launched, and after his divorce he quickly found new girlfriends. ), (The intro to a rock song plays, with a driving, pulsing beat. Kevin: Jeff and I are full of antics. Many people in Jackson seemed to see themselves in Young. If a patient would text him a compliment, he would blast it all over Facebook, one former employee told me. One of them was that I had the story all wrong. Over that time, his online following grew. Longoria: The result is that more than 450,000 people are dead from overdose in the last 20 years. Young was indicted on drug-trafficking charges in April 2019. I had a lot of Why on earth? questions, the Atlantic reporter Olga Khazan says. Young seemed to have been expecting them. Case 18-11780-BLS Doc 45 Filed 08/02/18 Page 1 of 1041. Khazan: Her husband had severe dehydration and was suffering from a heat stroke. 1:07. * This article has been clarified to more accurately convey the details of Gutgsell's plea. At the beginning of the opioid epidemic, the autonomy of doctors to prescribe opioids was almost limitless, Keith Humphreys, a Stanford University professor who researches mental-health policy, says. Other female patients checkout sheets simply said No charge., Though he portrayed himself as harmlessly vulgar, Young could, in fact, get violent with women. 2,760 Followers, 1,655 Following, 2,046 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jeff Young II (JY2) #RockDoc (@jeffyoungii) He has pleaded not guilty to all the charges against him. Website: http: // her, but Jeff was attuned to all that coming for unscrupulous and... 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