OM OTM)MNES[aad For we are the Emperors Vengeance! He listens not to a word ofexacting standardsof the Chapter. TheyemmamRa leacacarEURHMMMaeaeaeeriaits greatest threat. By the invocation of strikes, their warriors specially fortified experienced Brother-Captain. In suits ofartificer- Grey Knights storm fleshy citadels, battle or others with whom the Chapter has wrought armour andwielding the inside raging firestorms and hunttheir especially covert dealings. If completed, yougain 1CP. Inside the Grey Knights could be, this vast shieldedCitadel of Titans unwelcomingexterior, chamberandits countless connecteddusty passages and cavernoushalls vaults, halls and alcoves contain theecho merely to the sweep of robes and accumulated lore of the Chapter. When the Prognosticarsforetold a great evil would arise there,a demi-brotherhoodled by Brother-Captain Stern discovered the planetalready in the grip of a rebellion. Battle-forged Rules Kaldor Draigo Grand Master Voldus. Dreadnaughts get duty eternal etc. Pustules and buboesriddled its mass at the missions very inception.offestering flesh and rigid, bony growths sprouted fromits bent spine. They scythe against the immortal denizens ofthe downswathesof lighter enemies with warp by whatever meansheseesfit. He must complete eight quests within the fortress-monastery recovering to establish his character and cause. Om atemaT ermLOLCTR There is no peacefor us, Bloodybattles unending constantly await us, for an eternity wewill strive. They maintain manyof - countless battles against the alien, mutant the Chapters traditions and inculcate and heretic and manytrophiesin the Hall neophytesin the strictures they must stand as testamentto thesevictories. Only the Supreme rand Masters knowthe full truth. Codex (plural "codices", but "codexes" is also occasionally used) is the name of a source book for Warhammer 40,000 armies and factions containing background information, pictures, and rules. THEY WIELD THE SECRET FIRE THAT PURIFIES CORRUPTION.THEIR MINDS ARE BARRED AGAINST PRIDE, ARMED AGAINST DIABOLIC DECEPTION. in CC your opponent activates units before you. Dark Imperium - June 3rd So armoured, Grey Knights can withstand is the fervent wish of every battle-brother that upon histhe forbidden powers they must employ to destroy death he be carried back to Titan to be interred in thethe daemon. These representthe tactical andand wage war onthebattlefield, including The Aegis. Weshall be the Keepers Immortal, strong and soundshall westand. These include bespoke Requisitions,consult the Prognosticars before battle and gain valuable Agendas, Crusade Relics and Battle Tactics that help to reflectinsights into the battle to come. The foetioKetCperuTaNeMICteccm dcaer nate The dangerousgenius has surrounded himself Daemontoseed the Red Fall worlds with itsremainder, under Grand Master Morvans, are witha small empire of requisitioned troops, cults. en masse,is he satisfied. Extremely rare, the secrets of their creation have beenlost by a great numberof forge worlds.TheGrey Knights are among the few with the _ strength of mind and will toactivate the silver-tipped andpsychically charged __ munitions that psycannons fire. With the Chapters Librarians, and thus fulfilling their battlefield duties the predictions of the Prognosticars his responsibility and influence are whose timeless and unnatural under the same Grand Master who providing vital tactical information, felt in every brotherhood. result of a mortal wound,roll one D: on a 5+, that woundis GREY KNIGHTS units in GREY KNIGHTS Detachments gain The notlost. They blew chunksfromits flesh, but the ruptured No Spawnof Misrule avoids us,all are banishedto the void.craters pulsed as new growths pushedthrough from within.HAMBERS OF PURITY e Chambersof Purity are thought to betheoldest part of the Citadel of Titan.Theylie deep, buried like a secret in the dark and the cold far beneath the moonssurface. A daemons cold its insistent whispers might infectthe Chapter Lord are permitted within malignancyis turned violently against others on Titan or beyond.their domain unbidden and noneatall it; a corrupted soldiers fear erupts intoany further. - [data protocols missing], Inquisitorial Representative to the 666th Chapter, Adeptus Astartes Peia Wirttyies Chapter Louncil Lhambers of PurityHigh Paladin Koiar Tempus, Paragon Prime Chapter Lord Kaldor Draigo, Castellan Garran Crowe, Championof the Order OParaIaRy meae GrandMastersof the Eight Brotherhoodsapietitedty sa 2" Brotherhood 3 Brotherhood 4" Brotherhood ONaeaaa The Blades of Victory UTMGrraes We area ccaGrand Master VardanKai, Grand Master Vorth Mordrak, Grand Master Aldrik Voldus, Grand Master Drystann Cromm, Steward of the Armoury Admiralof the Fleet Wardenof the Librarius Iaam eerBrother-Captain Cadrig Pelenas Brother-Captain Arno Trevan Seldom OnloeVWAUacrelniNCoat Brother-Captain Ionan GrudThe Swordbearers werelast reported across six (erevOM VENI(oa Coeelecla cover unta ssteas Thoughit cost the brotherhood dearly, Following the prophecies of the Prognosticars,war zones in Segmentum Tempestus, hunting of Victory through the systemsof the Brother-Captain Sternwashailed for his elementsof the Prescient Brethren lead a actions on the Planetof the Sorcerers that EVoerevsereMtOlancrueseeu mcacocy Daeva Consortium,a trading empire in the halted a fell ritual of Magnus the Red.Yet the Soe gscoronoeMyoy etrena etera.NSacteT adjacent to the Sirens Storm. A Silverback millennia. It was under the nascent command between them. This commanderperfect way to start a Grey Knights army, and ranged weapons,allowingits can also beteleportedintobattle-regardless of whether you wantto play an models to deala significant amount of alongside your Terminators, allowing open play game, forge an epic narrative damagedespite their low numbers. His mind andhis spirit, hardened againstthe essence of Chaos over longyears, helped him endure whereperhapsno other man could.The Chapter Lord wanderedfora timeless age, defeating andcrushing every daemonthatdared threaten him, rejectingtemptations and madness andhardeninghiswill to survive. Deepinside the layersempyric strength makes ancient runes of adamantine alloy is a sarcophagusof daemon-slaying upon the weapon With grim practicality, Grey Knights containing what remainsofthefallenburn with a sanctified innerfire, adding acknowledge that the most monstrous hero. to the relevant brotherhoodStratagem.PSYCHIC POWERS Example: A Battle-forged army includes a GREY KNIGHTSEach brotherhood hasan associated brotherhood psychic power. Mordraks swift ships and Wardmakersdo not rest; they continue to conclaves thoughtto have links to the so-factorums churn out daemon engines andfar preternatural assaults have shut down many incinerate daemonic incursions that flare upworse, but the brotherhoods armouredstrikes networks spreading the Gellerpox contagion, as the taint of Magnus world seeps outwards. While steeped in Reliable and robust, they are endowed aspects of their Cult, Techmarines owe no with a legendary status among the Space Marines with whom theyare frequently loyalty no Mars, and the Chapter Council associated, and the Grey Knights are no relies upon them to guard against the Red exception. If manifested, select one enemy unitwithin 12"of this PsYKER. Millions lost their lives to the legions of Imperial losses. Mastersofall weaponsare we, all BlasphemousActsshall be Atoned. signature sword that echoes the Chapters foe in the labyrinths of space hulks. It churned in suspension above them andas three horns of somegiant beast, melded together. The simple desig= represent their deeds, thoughto outsiders the meanings of these mysterious symbolsdisplay their personal heraldries, often honoured with seals of are unknown.As a Grey Knight advancesin rank he will add to his shield to reflect hissacred wax bearing vows of purgationorsanctity. The Justicars Nemesis blade glowed with thedozenbolts swerved, flung aside by warp magic, but many righteousnessof his imminent deed.hit home. These catacombs have accepted the honoured dead of the Chapter sinceThe Grey Knights have access to weaponsthatfire its earliest days. To rootout solitary miners tainted by long-buried artefacts, mutant bordellos among heaving hive cities weakening the warps barriers with =gg OO? Each squadis CHAPTER COMMAND the Grey Knight's most honouredtactically flexible, capable of deploying in Ancient. carry to battle such devices so dangerous Now,the heavily industrialised forges to themselvesspeaksof the selflessness by of Deimos thundernight and day to After his inculcation in the mysteries of which they undertake their duty. Once a Grey Knight's armour fully with the powerful robotic body theyedge that will live on longafter he has is locked into the command armature now inhabit. Strike ability to set up close to the enemy, serious punchtothe force. CRUSADE (PG 70-79)WISDOM OF THE PROGNOSTICARS (PG 54-56) Grey Knights have accessto a hostof additionalrules that enhance your Crusade experience andfurther personaliseCertain character models in your Grey Knights army can your Crusadeforce. Pictures usedforillustrative purposesonly.Certain Citadel products may be dangerousif used incorrectly and Games Workshop does not recommend them for use by children under the age of 16 without adult supervision. The Hallis also a to risk depriving his Chapterofhis skills, maintains many standardsin the Hall place in which to honourliving heroes. 45Beneath armouredtread shall we crush SWORDBEARERSHhteohmem,yaffterstotmeerrtt,hhweeesikrwinieluslmwbfieenrwd,itlnhloedmmoamatintndearwtewehtwehirelelm. The Ist Brotherhood are experts in armoured annihilate them.: assaults, and in coordinating thestrikes of several elements to completely destroy prioritised targets. The Gatherers are Grey Knights whose great age or makeit through the physical and mental challenges to crippling injuries no longer permit them to undertake be deemed worthy of receiving the Emperor's Gift and the primary work of the Chapter, but whose keen minds beginning the transformation to Grey Knight. The smite conundrum was bad and the layers and layers of rules you had to pile to just survive was staggering. If such loss is Inquisition as well, and debates on the length of their futures runhet. are often chosen,yet only if they Brotherhoodregularly undertake The 2ndis often in the vanguard The Wardmakers Grand Master have shownparticular aptitude hammerblowstrikes with great is concurrently the Wardenofthe andare considered too valuable numbersof the Chapters reserves of combined brotherhood assaults, an asset to risk on the battlefield. A coven have impressed the Grey Knights with commandersof the Astra Militarum of Sorcerers and Dark Apostles were their stoic resolve in the face of mind- or Navis Imperialis, are instead often enacting a murderousritual from within wrenching madness, are ruthlessly psychically relieved of all memory of their ships. Welcome to Codex: Grey Knights, a sanctified tomedetailing these most mysteriousofall Space Marines. uM wNe sUpNOUTs hard-foughtvictory, the battle-brothers enough. MARKED FOR DEATH Swordbearers - Battle Tactic Stratagem The Swordbearers psychically upload the minutiae of the targets every move and position to their brothers, sealing the foes doom. Hisrelic daemon Stern learns more of his daemonic brotherhoods, supporting their brotherhammer, the Malleus Argyrum, was nemesis as, no doubt, the daemon Grey Knights onthe battlefield andcrafted over the course of a century by believes it learns more of him in turn. yet the Emperorlights our path. They can be This section provides wargear lists referenced in the wargeargiven psychic powersfrom either the Dominusor Sanctic options of certain Grey Knights datasheets, as well as profiles fordisciplines. The wielders FEAT OF IRON a Dreadnought. Unfocused the Grey Knights greatest victories, Malleus has resources and experience to visions from the Auguriumled fleet of upon worlds that have been thoroughly conduct manybyitself. These sacred customs and doctrinesare reflected in theweaponstheyuse, the armourthey wearandthe heraldry theyproudly bear.Each Grey Knights armouris an ancient relic drawn from theChapters armouries, and has often been worn by many warriorsbefore him. Thelist of If you are playing a gamethat uses points values, you can use the alphabetisedlists in this section to determine the points value of hat each Brotherhood Chaplain in your army each unit in your army. Until the end of the phase, each time a friendly SWORDBEARERS unit makesa rangedattack against that enemyunit, add 1 to that attacks hit roll. It is = Captain deploys mindless servitors to quell daemonic uprisings. Thosestrands of knowledge, including the supplied by the Ordo Malleus, who remain dedicate themselvesunique technological andhistorical are stringent taskmasters, their occasionally alongside them;as to continualtraining, running thelore housedthere. their gimlet gaze. fnay have completedtheir training under the auspicesApothecaries, meanwhile, oversee the creation of new of another Grand Master. This represents the different arcane lore andtalents all of the weaponsthat Grey Knights units can be equipped with.available to these units. Eachbrothers. Garran Crowe, the Champion of resist the legions of the warp. eMELoeamlmaomola aCrbaie Nodespicable trickery will thwart us, INR rareap arate Ole me Emer We are the Bringers ofHope! These they build up over herelies the Grey Knights corpus ofhis supremeability, strength and will. Each brotherhood the fight after them. Usethis Stratagem atthe start of your Shooting phase. undertake extended duties with others.anypartial truths they witness, and often This authority, only partly ceremonial,mind-scrubbedforsafety, these servants is tied to the commandofa particularhelp to maintain the Citadel of Titans brotherhood, and over time thesanctity against daemonicintrusion, association has informed theirfightingamongst many otherduties. Such individuals someof the Rapiers mostfinely regularly pique the interest of the executedstrikes. The Rapiers It is through the Grand Master,as Led by the Knight Commander of ~in which form warriors too injured are exemplars in the creation of Representative to the Inquisition, the Recruits, the warriors of theto behealed continueto serve. Os traigo esto que he encontrado sobre la nueva edicin de W40K, esta escaneado en ingles pero ya podeis probarlo para ver si os gusta esta nueva edicin. 9th Edition was released in July 2020. Fellbanes'. d World PURGE OF VENGLA Brotherhood Mithrac Tor we Brother-Captain, 8th Danmar Guerest Brotherhood _Codicier, 6th Thrast 8th Brotherhood Sorler. In this capacity, Malcadoror even the Emperor himself.he has authority over the ChaptersLibrarians and the dangerousarchives of The threat of such knowledgefalling intoknowledge that they guard. From this and other legendary sourcesknowntovery few, a story ofdire peril, a priceless gift and the concealmentof soul-shattering knowledge can bepieced together.It was during the final days of the Horus REFUGE AND RETURN anchored somehowin the empyrean.Heresy,so it is said, that the founders of Those uponit, unaware ofthe Heresysthe Grey Knights were first convened. The Grey Knightsdisengaged as the ritual came apart andthe warps tides rushedin, tearing apartmostof the Word Bearers vessels.THE RED TALONAntraxes was a mining world famedthroughout the Sudar Sub-sectorforitsrare bloodstone. Duty Eternal: Each time an attack is allocated to this model, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). Conversely, they can also beChaos.In the Grey Knights sequestered incredibly simple to paint; their detailedfortress on the moonof Titan, omens units in the Warhammer40,000 game; surfaces and metallic armour mean justof daemonic incursionsare sifted from as an elite faction, even a small number simple techniques can be used to makethe warp. Exacerbated by sustained bythe roiling warp storms, however, and ina the Space Wolves attempts to inhibit what they saw as fickle lull in the tempests, the forces of Titan were able dishonourable practices, even entire worlds were put to to launch the hammerblowoftheir attack. They depict died on these quests, refusing to abandon worlds and the purgingof unhallowed the Grey Knights ancestors: Chapter them andincur grave dishonour.It is evil. mystic rites and the intoningof ritualised against the immateriums touch. IhachMPfuhaieetarlmhhrlao.aeaadtcScclPoetohiraepieotlrimgteesanmrlsoeesecsisrptittieeanicixngnccmugaMaed,aortarMsbotaaheuizienfvosumdionrchsr.NeoieirToHcentisAe,srhcZesagwlaitreeenrtmrredisseexe.dCnwtehgiaTvtctimhihchoouseIlprrneaaseenttoodmtyteum,elbscfr,iyTyonechrhsrltieomesehoreforopedsifSsemhcyttucathhaseheetrataiilowcoeluresnn dPumpingStation Deltic IV sprawled across the width of The warp-spawn reached behind it, pulling one of thethe Kromtoid Ravine. The Prognosticars of Titan eeAeaell homeworld and scuttled the remainsofhad seized damning omensfrom the their fleet at the Forghost orbital docks.immaterium of what Conquerors Forge Fighting at Ffions Chorus, Justicar Teleporting Terminators andStrikewould encounter at Manask. Already, warp-routes skirting purged duringextensive post-battle the battle. Alongside the Ordo Malleus, months daemonkind and warp-tainted berserkers in the first were spent executing and mind-wiping billions more to few weeks. For we are Mankinds Divine Blade! hexagrammic wards. A pact was forged with are taken to ensure the Tech-Priests Astronomican. 40} pa]RIA9 J49M IppR UoNMosas payjsyujU;pUN"SH AA) anja Hany $14g *ANfead Jo JaaH9N ayy Puohiog aH JUN) fypues ane yim sanyo ovaq few a1oyg The huge, central chamberof the there represent former companions of are usually despatched in small numbers Citadel of Titan is knownasthe Hall of the Paladins fraternity. no daemonshall avoidits Fate. We've got the new edition Grey Knights Codex 9Th Edition , ready and waiting for you to indulge in it. The Terminus Decree is the ultimate sanction of the Grey Knights, a secretDeep within the Chambers of Purity, locked away in so vast it could bring the Imperium toits knees, orthe hall said to hold the tomb of the Sisillite himself, saveit in its darkest hour.rests a simple wooden box, embellished with a golden The exact nature of the documentis unknown, forseal. Though the Grey Knights prime concern Chaplainsare the spiritual leaders of the is the daemonic menace,theyfight Grey Knights. dmakers undertake scholarly as the champion and a dozen Luna-class OnKalvaV, the Wardmakersfaced ch duringthe brief moments combat servitorsattack the battle-brother daemonsofall four Chaos Godsin n fighting and martial training. Amongthe dread knowledge contained within are the TrueSo began a vendetta of centuries in Namesof manyofthe foulest daemons,which Mkachen has seemedto interfere and the knowninstances of theirin the redoubtable Brother-Captains manifestations. DATASHEETS(PG 80-103)Yeaues This section is essential to all Grey Knightsplayers, regardless of preferredplaystyle, containing as it does the datasheets for Grey Knights units. Unbeknownto the downthe Radical Inquisitor Rea Yollaron. They learn to craft psychic voice within the Chapter Council, so engines, too, and possessed husksthat rations with their minds thatreject every brotherhoodis equal; though their wereall that wasleft of the former e enslaving psychic yokes of daemons. These of the Chapterto take the field, and they unshakeable graspis carried one of the may be shattered weapons, fragments of Chapters greatest standards, one that psy-scorched armouror stranger items depicts the Grey Knights most glorious like the thirteen twisted iron masks of the victories over daemonkind.Hisis a Daemon Magi purged from Cebrum II. This will grant them additional the fighting style of these elite daemon-hunters. As such, the form a beachhead and seeding the being dangerous and perhaps even dangerbefore it materialises, and _ Swordbearersare often called upon way for heavier troopsto follow. Little resists the powerof this to contain permanently; perhapsGrand Mastersof the brotherhoods and glorious conflagration. The Chapter does not maintain reserve or specialised companies. In the traditionalred, black and white of the Chapter, some bearunifying colours and symbols that mark them asbeing part of a larger squadron or they may honourthe deeds of those brothers carried within the safetyof their hull. the battlefield. The brotherhood throughout the longhistory of the understandingof the warp that the Chapters Techmarines who makes use of large numbers of Grey Knights it has fostered many goes beyondeventhatoftheir . They are as embeddedinbattle-brothers. Like this book? Titan endured, unknown,all witnesses expunged. Such abilities finest pilots of the Chapter. Not only that the High Seneschal ofthe Fortress independently of one another, many brotherhoods, depending on hisbut, as Protector of the Sanctum whois tasked with crafting the goals ofthe twoorders broadly natural talents and thefavourof theSanctorum,his is the responsibility most elite and deadly strike forces. The Ebon Sentinels Astropaths had beenforced to be conduitsfor daemons. On the followingpagesyouwill find all the rules content you needto bring fire anddestruction upon the foul denizensof the warp. AdbinilGsuarsdesogeleyrvoiKenendesidigotnhfhttoaetwaftiiaescnilkcadskliltnychgymeaicsGlftroi.epryTeeh-aKiwnsnrivehigaashtadthgesebd.hewaTeadhnredloaindnnlacgyeestdmthoatevnhelraotuegsth WnTara a Tea tire CacPoesyCceaeanane Tamsshacorctrehheeiedmnyefmsrrayoadmunoteotorffbsaoiretr.ntfshHreeeosMmsaditleghltneaeiaccrlotlppeeioddasi.tttohWieoitnhtg,ehrocrtwoehlnsetfoimofrfmgdtiiehansnegttrstohqyeueaddd,a.ta- Quickly, brothers. thefallen, given deathly form byhis their mental attack patternsas apart towering Greater Daemonsas innate powers. The Grey Knights anticipatecloscmcoM Breteke Tasenbietabmitralan melaroom and prepare like no other force of the Imperium, knowing in advance theJutting from the ice sheets in the shadow nature of the threat they face and perhapsof Mount Anarch,the Citadel of Titan something of the consequencesoffailure.has enduredsinceits raising in a time oflegend.It is the fortress monastery of the SANCTUM SANCTORUMGrey Knights and amongits black, basaltspires are emplacedbatteries of macro Secure asonly the spiritual heart of thecannons and defencelasers. Yet these contradictions live only in the minds of weakmen, and we at not accountable to such as they.THE 666TH CHAPTERNonenowalive can claim to know theorigins of the Grey Knights with certainty. -are the Grey Knights Dreadnoughts, of their brotherhood. In the core rules, those limits are: Combat Patrol - 3 Command Points & 1 Detachment Incursion - 6 Command Points & 2 Detachments 32Even the most dangerous and corrupted of daemon worlds hold nofear for the Knights of Titan. Within theseblades and hammers, as anathema to down swathesoflighter foes, out-think pages, you will also discover a wealth ofthe otherworldly flesh of daemonsas to and outmanoeuvre your enemys force evocative Crusade contentthat adds extrathe mortal frames of the malfeasant, the and topple the deadliest units your layers of depth to your games, as yourdeluded or the merely ignorant. The grim and exacerbating duty before them meansthat every brotherhood requires the integral meansto scour the taint of warp spawn from any battlefield. Though much reducedinoutright numbers, the traitor Chapter Following the Prognosticars strongesthad the resources of an Adeptus Astartes warning,the greater portion of the Greyhomeworld with whichto defend their Knights struck at Vengla, where theynew-found power. it was recognisedthat this necessarily manufactorums even produce some of Psyk-out grenades are produced using secretive and embattled Chapter must the components for the Grey Knights a substance thought by someto be a by- havegreater control over the production rare or unique weapons, though measures product of the processesthat sustain the of its materiel. AUPN obssap toad oO} B=GREY KNIGHTSI GREY KNIGHTS BY THE WILL OF THESE FEW IS MANKIND SHIELDED FROM TRUEDARKNESS. Unyielding Ancient: Each time this model would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 6, that wound is not lost. They are kept alive byGrey Knight's force weaponretains part a single battle-brother could hope to biomantic technology that connects themof his psyche imprinted uponits killing overcome. Forwe are SwordsofJustice! The breakdownof squadservitors that attend the Chapter. Nowhere and no oneis beneath or beyond each other in a complex and oft-strained rapport. peers.It is from the Prescient _ Chapters engines of war. 43COMBAT PATROLThis Combat Patrol-sized collection is the able to be armed with anarray of melee a potent melee weapon. requisitioned by the Inquisition, use of every armament, and to know ought sarcophagi often fight utilising platoons of Astra Militarum e the5th while they learn Where bulk of numbers is necessary, soldiers to hold key battlefield the strength in every strike force and . In each case, you can include these new elementsat your ownpace; whether you're a brand newhobbyist playing yourfirstfew gamesora veteran general ready to cause carnage, there's plenty here toprovide countless hoursof fresh and exciting gameplay.Youwill find everything you needonthe following pagesto include thesein your games of Warhammer 40,000, not to mention bespoke contentfor your Grey Knights Crusade force. Jou Op apy asodand swIp Champions, thoughin truth this term of Purifiers stand as the Grey Knights Truly selfless, yet with the skill to aiguidd aim ssadand jo stretches to encompass a warren of sanctified elite, the Paladins are the chambers, passages and sanctuaries that Chapters martial exemplars. The Librarium Daemonicalies behindARVANN STERN three adamantinebarriers, each many yards thick, protected by enchantments,Amongst the Grey Knights ranks, anointed with consecratedoils andBrother-Captain Stern stands as one of etched with silver seals of warding. 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