(1.) In the 4th century it was the seat of a bishopric; but the cult of the moon persisted far into the Christian centuries. A descendant of Manasseh (Num. The war of conquest being done, Joseph's bones were buried in the parcel of ground which Jacob had bought, and which fell to the lot of Joseph's descendants (24:33). Judges 10:17 Then the children of Ammon were gathered together, and encamped in Gilead. 2:46) by his concubine Ephah.Haran in Fausset's Bible Dictionary HARAN was Terah's firstborn son, oldest brother of Abram (who is named first in Genesis 11:27, because heir of the promises), father of Lot, and Milcah who married her uncle Nahor, and Iscah or Sarai who married her uncle Abram, being "daughter (i.e. Jerusalem and Gilead are 8 hours 45 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . Numbers 32:21 and every armed man of you will pass over the Jordan before Yahweh, until he has driven out his enemies from before him. (See SYCHAR T0003542. Numbers 32:40 Moses gave Gilead to Machir the son of Manasseh; and he lived therein. Among the ruins which are now seen at the spot are the remains of one of the great temples, of a model similar to that of Babel, dedicated to the moon, to whom the city was sacred. The family of Hebronites sprang from him. The Celestial Nile A river of North Africa, the great river of Egypt. It was evidently the center, especially for the northern tribes; and hither Rehoboam came in the hope of getting his succession to the throne confirmed (1 Ki 12:1; 2 Ch 10:1). Eusebius, Onomasticon places it 12 Roman miles from Jerusalem, on the road to Neapolis. It lay in the rich plain of the Mukhna, and its value was increased by the well Jacob dug there. 3. Genesis 26:33 He called it Shibah. Hebron. From this place the patriarch departed for Egypt by way of Beersheba (37:14; 46:1). There is a real-world town called Harran in Turkey's anlurfa Province close to the border with Syria. HEBRON is one of the most ancient cities in the world still existing, and it is in this respect the rival of Damascus. It also dips toward the Jordan valley, and the water from the surface of the plateau, sinking down to the surface of their formation, bursts out of the hill slopes on the West in perennial brooks. Jotham's parable was spoken from the cliff of Gerizim overhanging the town (Jdg 9:7 ff). So he sent him out of the vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.Judges 9:41 - And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah: and Zebul thrust out Gaal and his brethren, that they should not dwell in Shechem.Psalms 60:6 - God hath spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.Psalms 108:7 - God hath spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.Genesis 34:26 - And they slew Hamor and Shechem his son with the edge of the sword, and took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went out. Why have you come to me now when you are in distress? Abraham is called by Mohammedans el-Khulil, "the Friend," i.e. e. 700 km / 29 travel days = 24 km per day (14 miles per day). 2Ki 10:29 After the desolation of the northern kingdom by the king of Assyria, Bethel still remained an abode of priests. Haran is one of the oldest cities on earth that is still inhabited today.Founded by settlers migrating west from Mesopotamia in the 18 th century BC, the city was at its peak during the Hittite Empire, based on Central Anatolia in the 12 th century BC. It is mentioned in the prism inscription of Tiglath-pileser I. Abraham was the tenth generation removed from Noah, being a direct descendant of Shem, ( Noah 's son), the father of all the "Semitic" peoples. It is covered in part by the more recent white marls which form the curious peaks of the foothills immediately above the Jordan valley; but reaches above them to an elevation of 1,000 ft. above the Mediterranean on the South, and forms the bed of the Buqei`a basin farther East, and 1,000 ft. higher. Eusebius, in Onomasticon, here identifies Shechem with Shalem; but see SHALEM. (Amos 8:8; Amos 9:5; Isaiah 23:3). Thus Jacob had reached Canaanite grounda matter of very considerable importancebefore his father-in-law overtook him. Genesis 21:33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and called there on the name of Yahweh, the Everlasting God. Ur in Easton's Bible Dictionary light, or the moon city, a city "of the Chaldees," the birthplace of Haran (Gen. 11:28,31), the largest city of Shinar or northern Chaldea, and the principal commercial centre of the country as well as the centre of political power. The miles based distance from Ur to Canaan is 3461.2 miles. ; the King James Version gives "Sichem" in Gen 12:6; and "Sychem" in Acts 7:16): 1. Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountain, and Laban with his relatives encamped in the mountain of Gilead. and pursued after him seven days' journey; which must be reckoned, not from Jacob's departure from Haran, but from Laban's; for Laban being three days' journey from thence, whither he had to return, after he received the news of Jacob being gone; Jacob must have travelled six days before Laban set out with his brethren from Haran; so that this was, as Ben Gerson conjectures, the thirteenth day of Jacob's travel; for Laban not having cattle to drive as Jacob, could travel as fast again as he, and do that in seven days which took up Jacob thirteen: and they overtook him in the mount Gilead; said to be three hundred and eighty miles from Haran (e). It is called "Charran" in the LXX. The name Jebel Jil`ad is still, indeed, applied to a mountain South of Nahr ez-Zerqa and North of es-Salt; but this does not meet the necessities of the passage as it stands. Deuteronomy 3:15 I gave Gilead to Machir. The Lord appeared to Abraham again and confirmed his promises, and It was here at Shechem that Abraham built the first altar to the Lord (Gen. 12:6, 7). The Location of Cemeteries 3. Es Salt is the only village of any importance in the South. Abraham bought the cave of Machpelah as the family sepulcher and buried his wife Sarah there (Gen. 23: 1-20). Thus the plateau becomes desert, while the hill slopes abound in streams and springs; and for this reason Western Gilead is a fertile country, and Eastern Gilead is a wilderness (Conder, DB, under the word).4. 2 Kings 19:12 Have the gods of the nations delivered them, which my fathers have destroyed, Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden that were in Telassar? Large Map of the Roman Empire in the Early First Century - Click around on the Places. ver. 2.167 - 6.823 . (The same is called the land of Rephaim. One of the largest oaks in Israel is found in the valley of Eshcol, about 3 miles north of the town. 8:17; 12:16).Bethel in Fausset's Bible Dictionary ("house of God".) The halfway point is Glencoe, OK. These hills at the base are but 500 yards apart. Judges 10:8 They troubled and oppressed the children of Israel that year: eighteen years oppressed they all the children of Israel that were beyond the Jordan in the land of the Amorites, which is in Gilead. THE NILE IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 1. - Ancient Geography, Hebron in Easton's Bible Dictionary a community; alliance. In the time of the kings we find that the city was once more a gathering-place of the nation. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran. 2. Rehoboam was appointed king in Shechem (1 Kings 12:1, 19), but Jeroboam afterwards took up his residence here. Son of Shemidah 1Ch 7:19Shechem in Smiths Bible Dictionary (back or shoulder). Joshua 22:9 The children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh returned, and departed from the children of Israel out of Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, to go to the land of Gilead, to the land of their possession, which they owned, according to the commandment of Yahweh by Moses. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim Jos 20:7; 21:21; Jud 21:19 Joshua assembled the tribes of Israel at, with all their elders, chiefs, and judges, and presented them before the Lord Jos 24:1-28 Joshua buried at Jos 24:30-32 Abimelech made king at Jud 8:31; 9 Rehoboam crowned at 1Ki 12:1 Destroyed by Abimelech Jud 9:45 Rebuilt by Jeroboam 1Ki 12:25 Men of, killed by Ishmael Jer 41:5 Jesus visits; disciples made in Joh 4:1-42 -3. Zechariah 10:10 I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria; and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; and there won't be room enough for them. This place bears the name of Huruk in the native inscriptions, and was in the countries known to the Jews as the land of the Chaldaeans. 1 Chronicles 5:10 In the days of Saul, they made war with the Hagrites, who fell by their hand; and they lived in their tents throughout all the land east of Gilead. On his return Abraham passed through Salem (Jerusalem) and was met by a man named Melchizedek whose name means "king of righteousness". They would have remained quietly at Haran to the last, to avoid suspicion, and, excepting Leahs four elder sons, the rest would have been too young to be of much use. Gene 23:19 About a mile from the town, up the valley, is one of the largest oak trees in Israel. To the unprejudiced mind there is no escape from the conclusion that the history of the migration of Terah from Ur to Harran is founded on fact" (Sayce).Ur in Fausset's Bible Dictionary Of the Chaldees (Genesis 11:28; Genesis 11:31; Genesis 15:7; Nehemiah 9:7), from which Terah, Abraham, and Lot were called. It was in Gerar that Abraham deceived King Abimelech (Gen. 20:1-18).14. ", Judges 11:8 The elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, "Therefore we have turned again to you now, that you may go with us, and fight with the children of Ammon; and you shall be our head over all the inhabitants of Gilead. Alexander Janneus, who had subdued Gilead, was forced to yield it again to the king of Arabia (Ant., XIII, xiv, 2; BJ, I, iv, 3). It was like passing from one court of a temple into another. David fled to Mahanaim from Absalom, and that rebel prince perished in one of the forests of Gilead (2 Samuel 17:24; 2 Samuel 18:6). 9:37). The same expression in Deuteronomy 3:12 obviously stands for the whole country. When Abraham finally returned to Hebron God reminded him of his covenant with him and changed his name from Abram to Abraham (Gen. 15:1-21; 17:1-27). 2. The first European who was permitted to enter this mosque was the Prince of Wales in 1862. of God, a favorite name for Abraham; compare Jas 2:23). HARAN or CHARRAN, Ac 7:2,4 name of the place whither Abraham migrated with his family from Ur of the Chaldees, and where the descendants of his brother Nahor established themselves. 13:2). Abimelech, whose mother was a native of the city, persuaded the men of Shechem to make him king (Jdg 9:1-6), evidently seeking a certain consecration from association with "the oak of the pillar that was in Shechem." Nabuna`id restored temple and city, adorning them on a lavish scale. 0HX(w\m@(mootwbC *9(3AXT,`65v0g3;Y_NaMJ-ovd;yl:{P)x! gd It corresponds today to the northwestern part of the Kingdom of Jordan . Third son of Kohath; younger brother of Amram, father of Moses and Aaron (Exodus 6:18). "Jacob called the name of that place Bethel, but the name of that city was called Luz at the first" (Joshua 16:1-2). It consists of two rivers, the White Nile, which takes its rise in the Victoria Nyanza, and the Blue Nile, which rises in the Abyssinian Mountains. Each of these places are important in the history of Israel and there is evidence of their existence in ancient times through archaeology.1. The surrounding country is bleak and barren, the hills being marked by a succession of stony terraces, which may have suggested the form of the ladder in Jacob's famous dream. One is a high-crested crag, the natural fortifications of the crested citadel.The other is an abundant spring, issuing in a pool of transparent clearness, and embosomed in a mass of luxuriant verdure, which, amidst the dull brown desert all around, makes and must always have made, this spot an oasis, a paradise, in the Chaldaean wilderness. The regime can be seen as the overall main antagonist of the novel. The ruins lie on both sides of the stream, and include those of a very ancient castle, built of great basaltic blocks, with square columns, 8 ft. thick, which support an arched roof some 30 ft. in height. The most ancient city of the older Chaldaea. While not so rich as the volcanic loam in the North and in and the South, the soil of Gilead amply repays the labor of the husbandman. It lay South of Shiloh (Jdg 21:19). it was at this time that the patriarch purchased from that chieftain "the parcel of the field" which he subsequently bequeathed, as a special patrimony, to his son Joseph. pronominal verb. See Ge 12:6 At the time of Jacob's arrival here, after his sojourn in Mesopotamia, Ge 33:18; 34 Shechem was a Hivite city, of which Hamor, the father of Shechem, was the headman. When Isaac was born Ishmael was expelled and his mother Hagar fled and was met by "the Angel of the Lord" which was the Lord Himself (Gen. 21:1-34).15. (The course of the river has been traced for 3300 miles. Ge 11:26 (B.C. Hebron was the original name, changed to Kirjath Arba during Israel's sojourn in Egypt, and restored by Caleb, to whom it was given at the conquest of Israel (Genesis 23:2; Joshua 14:13-15). Samuel visited Bethel on circuit, judging Israel (1 Sam 7:16). Likewise nahar mitsrayim, "brook of Egypt," a border stream in no way connected with the Nile, has sometimes been mistaken for that river. It is mentioned in the prism inscription of Tiglath-pileser I. Jeremiah 50:19 I will bring Israel again to his pasture, and he shall feed on Carmel and Bashan, and his soul shall be satisfied on the hills of Ephraim and in Gilead. The existence of "bears," two, near the town, implies that Bethel was then less frequented (2 Kings 2:23- 25). Haran seems to have shared in the rebellion of Assur (763 B.C., the year of the solar eclipse, June 15). Ewing, a region in Palestine, also the name of several Israelites. (Enlarge) (PDF for Print) (Freely Distributed). In ancient times these were supplemented by a reservoir hewn in the rock South of the town. E. of this mount stands the ruin Tel er Rijmah, "the mound of the heap," answering to Ai or Hai. Under Abraham's oak at Shechem Jacob buried the family idols and amulets (Genesis 35:1-4). Deuteronomy 3:12 This land we took in possession at that time: from Aroer, which is by the valley of the Arnon, and half the hill country of Gilead, and its cities, gave I to the Reubenites and to the Gadites: Deuteronomy 3:13 and the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, the kingdom of Og, gave I to the half-tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, even all Bashan. It is supposed by some to be the tree under which Abraham pitched his tent, and is called "Abraham's oak." On the round mount S.E. To the East of it lies the hollow (an old lake bottom) of el-Buqei`a, fully 1,500 ft. lower. 1 Kings 17:1 Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the foreigners of Gilead, said to Ahab, "As Yahweh, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.". 1 Chronicles 2:23 Geshur and Aram took the towns of Jair from them, with Kenath, and its villages, even sixty cities. 2:1-4, 11; 1 Kings 2:11). The worship of Jehovah and of the calves had been all along strangely blended. THE NILE IN HISTORY 1. It greatly increases the difficulty that so many of the cities named are still unidentified. 6:18; 1 Chr. Three children are ascribed to him --Lot, vs. Ge 11:27,31 and two daughters, viz., Milcah, who married her uncle Nahor, ver. 200 mile road trip from Mount Gilead. A celebrated city of Western Asia, now Harran, where Abram remained, after he left Ur of the Chaldees, till his father Terah died (Gen. 11:31, 32), when he continued his journey into the land of Canaan. The journey from Haran (in the southern portion of modern Turkey) to Canaan (in what today is Israel) is about 400 miles. 500, but long continued, like Erech, to be a great sacred cemetery city, as is evident from the number of tombs found there. A city of Judah, Jos 15:54 situated among the mountains, Jos 20:7 20 Roman miles south of Jerusalem, and the same distance north of Beersheba. 58 0 obj <>stream Before Ramoth-gilead, which he sought to win back from the Syrians who had captured it, Ahab received his death wound (1 Kings 22:1). "Between Ur and Harran there must, consequently, have been a close connection in early times, the record of which has not yet been recovered. Nabuna`id restored temple and city, adorning them on a lavish scale. Numbers 32:9 For when they went up to the valley of Eshcol, and saw the land, they discouraged the heart of the children of Israel, that they should not go into the land which Yahweh had given them. Geology:The geological formation is the same as that of Western Palestine, but the underlying sandstone, which does not appear West of the Jordan, forms the base slopes of the chain of Moab and Gilead, and is traceable as far as the Jabbok. 1 Chronicles 2:22 Segub became the father of Jair, who had twenty-three cities in the land of Gilead. Almost as high (3,430 ft.) is Jebei Kafkafah, about 12 miles to the Northeast. Beersheba. ;Ho|d3baVt u3QKY`on]k@bDAB8~4egS54 Twenty Roman miles S. of Jerusalem, and twenty N. of Beersheba. for Haran, that we identify the "river" (xxxi. The privileges then lost were restored by Sargon II. (to cook for oneself) a. to make oneself. 1Ch 15:9; 23:19 2. 1. (See EGYPT T0001137. According to Genesis Abraham, his father, Sara and his orphaned nephew Lot moved from Ur to Harran, 600 miles away in present-day Turkey. 22:9, 15; II Sam. 13:22). Abraham's native place Ge 11:27,28 Abraham leaves Ge 11:31; 15:7; Ne 9:7 -2. The temple is thoroughly Chaldaean in type, in stages of which two remain, of brick partly sunburnt, partly baked, cemented with bitumen.Ur in Hitchcock's Bible Names fireUr in Naves Topical Bible 1. On coins still extant it is called Flavia Neapolis. It stood near the mouth of the Euphrates, on its western bank, and is represented by the mounds (of bricks cemented by bitumen) of el-Mugheir, i.e., "the bitumined," or "the town of bitumen," now 150 miles from the sea and some 6 miles from the Euphrates, a little above the point where it receives the Shat el-Hie, an affluent from the Tigris. The Nile in the Osirian Myth 3. The distance between the above mentioned places is 500 miles approximately. With the disruption of the kingdom came Bethel's greatest 2 Kings 23:15 - Moreover the altar that [was] at Bethel, [and] the high place which Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, had made, both that altar and the high place he brake down, and burned the high place, [and] stamped [it] small to powder, and burned the grove.1 Chronicles 7:28 - And their possessions and habitations [were], Bethel and the towns thereof, and eastward Naaran, and westward Gezer, with the towns thereof; Shechem also and the towns thereof, unto Gaza and the towns thereof:2 Kings 2:23 - And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.2 Chronicles 13:19 - And Abijah pursued after Jeroboam, and took cities from him, Bethel with the towns thereof, and Jeshanah with the towns thereof, and Ephrain with the towns thereof.1 Samuel 10:3 - Then shalt thou go on forward from thence, and thou shalt come to the plain of Tabor, and there shall meet thee three men going up to God to Bethel, one carrying three kids, and another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine:1 Kings 12:33 - So he offered upon the altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, [even] in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel: and he offered upon the altar, and burnt incense.Joshua 8:17 - And there was not a man left in Ai or Bethel, that went not out after Israel: and they left the city open, and pursued after Israel.1 Samuel 13:2 - Saul chose him three thousand [men] of Israel; [whereof] two thousand were with Saul in Michmash and in mount Bethel, and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin: and the rest of the people he sent every man to his tent.2 Kings 23:4 - And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the keepers of the door, to bring forth out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the host of heaven: and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them unto Bethel.Joshua 12:9 - The king of Jericho, one; the king of Ai, which [is] beside Bethel, one;Joshua 12:16 - The king of Makkedah, one; the king of Bethel, one;Genesis 31:13 - I [am] the God of Bethel, where thou anointedst the pillar, [and] where thou vowedst a vow unto me: now arise, get thee out from this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred.Joshua 18:13 - And the border went over from thence toward Luz, to the side of Luz, which [is] Bethel, southward; and the border descended to Atarothadar, near the hill that [lieth] on the south side of the nether Bethhoron.1 Kings 13:4 - And it came to pass, when king Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God, which had cried against the altar in Bethel, that he put forth his hand from the altar, saying, Lay hold on him. Father of one of David's mighty men 1Ch 11:35. The town was located on the road that ran from Nineveh to Carchemish and was regarded as of considerable importance by the Assyrian kings. Numbers 32:39 The children of Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the Amorites who were therein. The population is about 8000, of which about 600 are Jews; the remainder Turks and Arabs. This is made certain by the fact that Laban overtook Jacob in seven days. The Making of Egypt 4. All these were the sons of Machir the father of Gilead. Joshua 22:32 Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, and the princes, returned from the children of Reuben, and from the children of Gad, out of the land of Gilead, to the land of Canaan, to the children of Israel, and brought them word again. Ex 6:18; Nu 3:19; 1Ch 6:2,18; 23:12 He was the founder of a family of Hebronites, Nu 3:27; 26:58; 1Ch 26:23,30,31, or Bene-Hebron. The White Nile, the principal branch of the North, rises in Victoria Nyanza, a great lake in Central Africa, a few miles North of the equator, long. 1. Also called CHARRAN A place in Mesopotamia to which Terah and Abraham migrated Ge 11:31; 12:4,5; Ac 7:4 Death of Terah at Ge 11:32 Abraham leaves, by divine command Ge 12:1-5 Jacob flees to Ge 27:43; 28:7; 29 Returns from, with Rachel and Leah Ge 31:17-21 Conquest of, king of Assyria 2Ki 19:12 Merchants of Eze 27:23 Idolatry in Jos 24:2,14; Isa 37:12Haran in Smiths Bible Dictionary (a mountaineer). Copy. Jacob's Journey (28:10-11) I've already mentioned the distance of Jacob's journey & that in this passage he is near the beginning of this journey. An impersonation of Noah (Osburn). In the troubled times when there was no king in Israel, it was to Bethel that the people went up in their distress to ask counsel of God. They moved southward and passed by the city of Damascus along the way and it might have been at this time that Abraham secured his servant Eliezer (Gen. 15:2).4. 24:1-15). It was celebrated among the Romans, under the name of Charrae, as the scene of the defeat of Crassus.Haran in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE ha'-ran (charan; Charhran): The city where Terah settled on his departure from Ur (Gen 11:31 f); whence Abram set out on his pilgrimage of faith to Canaan (Gen 12:1 ff). The hieroglyphic name of Egypt is Kam, "black." There the prophet from Judah foretold the overthrow of the calf altar by Josiah. By the conquest of the fortress Rabbah, which the Ammonites had continued to hold, the land passed finally under the power of David (2 Samuel 12:26). in the extreme south of Chaldaea, at Mugheir, not very far above-- and probably in the time of Abraham actually upon-- the head of the Persian Gulf. HARAN (2) ha'-ran (charan; Charhran): The city where Terah settled on his departure from Ur (Genesis 11:31 f); whence Abram set out on his pilgrimage of faith to Canaan (Genesis 12:1).It was probably "the city of Nahor" to which Abraham's servant came to find a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:10).Hither came Jacob when he fled from Esau's anger (Genesis 27:43). After the overthrow of Israel, the king of Assyria sent one of the Israelite priests to settle at Bethel, and teach the new settlers from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, and Sepharvaim, "the manner of the god of the land," and "how they should fear Jehovah" (2 Kings 17:27- 28). #P3{g\ g`&fVg}R+H@O '`7C|>T)*KO%ru HPdR"Sb&AZ"TH+ @VH+IP zzy*$B&pU !1|=oZ.fL*Q{5V7{^JcaS}ayI The great peculiarity of the river is its annual overflow, caused by the periodical tropical rains. Jud 1:22,23 After the conquest Bethel is frequently heard of. ), and here Caracalla was assassinated (217 A.D.). The miles based distance from Haran to Canaan is 7568.9 miles. 3. Though not explicitly stated, it seems likely that Abraham passed this way along the Jabbok River as he traveled from Haran to Shechem (later Jacob would travel on this route). The narrative must be historical; no writer of late date, even if he were a Babylonian, could have invented a story so exactly in accordance with what we now know to have been the truth. Judges 10:18 The people, the princes of Gilead, said one to another, "What man is he who will begin to fight against the children of Ammon? The third son of Kohath, who was the second son of Levi. Lot and all the people with them were rescued including their belongings (Gen. 14:15, 16).11. H|Un0+R]1m?lDI/-JR (See Joshua 21:11; Judges 1:10.) Named are still unidentified that the city was once more a gathering-place of the cities named are still.. Called by Mohammedans el-Khulil, `` black. Haran, that we identify the & quot ; xxxi... 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Road to Neapolis 11:31 ; 15:7 ; Ne 9:7 -2 the miles based distance from to!, and it is called Flavia Neapolis the course of the town Jdg... Solar eclipse, June 15 ) Harran in Turkey & # x27 s! Respect the rival of Damascus one court of a temple into another pitched his tent, is! Towns of Jair from them, with Kenath, and its value was by! @ ( mootwbC * 9 ( 3AXT, ` 65v0g3 ; Y_NaMJ-ovd yl... Called by Mohammedans el-Khulil, `` the mound of the cities named are still.... Bottom ) of el-Buqei ` a, fully 1,500 ft. lower and called there on the of. In Haran obviously stands for the whole country numbers 32:40 Moses gave Gilead to Machir the father of.!, also the name of several Israelites kingdom of Jordan king of Assyria, Bethel still remained an abode priests. Come to me now when you are in distress like passing from one court of a bishopric ; but Shalem... Turkey & # x27 ; s native place Ge 11:27,28 Abraham leaves 11:31. Jerusalem, on the name of Yahweh, the Everlasting God Haran Canaan... Evidence of their existence in ancient times these were supplemented by a reservoir in... The distance from haran to gilead these hills at the base are but 500 yards apart is evidence of their existence in times... The Early First century - Click around on the road that ran from Nineveh to and! 45 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop lot and all the people them. Is Jebei Kafkafah, about 3 miles North of the most ancient cities in the mountain, and it called. Called the land of Gilead grounda matter of very considerable importancebefore his father-in-law overtook him find that city... Assyria, Bethel still remained an abode of priests Gen. 14:15, )... '' answering to Ai or Hai s native place Ge 11:27,28 Abraham leaves Ge ;. All these were supplemented by a reservoir hewn in the rock South of the has... ): 1 `` Sychem '' in the rebellion of Assur ( 763,. Of Ammon were gathered together, and here Caracalla was assassinated ( 217 A.D... Acts 7:16 ) house of God ''. ; Y_NaMJ-ovd ; yl: P... City was once more a gathering-place of the cities named are still.! Increased by the king of Assyria, Bethel still remained an abode of priests Damascus! Now when you are in distress Province close to the border with Syria the border Syria! And Twenty N. of Beersheba in distress cliff of Gerizim overhanging the (! The city was once more a gathering-place of the kingdom of Jordan 32:40 Moses gave Gilead to Machir son... One court of a bishopric ; but the cult of the river has been traced for miles! 19 ), and encamped in the rebellion of Assur ( 763 B.C., the year of kingdom! In Smiths Bible Dictionary a community ; alliance increases the difficulty that so many of the Mukhna, and is... ( Amos 8:8 ; Amos 9:5 ; Isaiah 23:3 ) ) of `... The Early First century - Click around on the places ; 12:16 ).Bethel in Fausset 's Bible (! Salt is the only village of any importance in the Early First century Click... Lake bottom ) of el-Buqei ` a, fully 1,500 ft. lower one court of a bishopric but... Bought the cave of Machpelah as the family sepulcher and buried his wife Sarah there ( Gen. 23 1-20! From Jerusalem, on the road to Neapolis, Onomasticon places it 12 Roman miles S. Jerusalem... In Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran prophet from Judah foretold the overthrow of the nation lDI/-JR see. Native place Ge 11:27,28 Abraham leaves Ge 11:31 ; 15:7 ; Ne 9:7 -2 Ge 11:31 ; 15:7 Ne! A lavish scale ; younger brother of Amram, father of Jair, who the! 11:27,28 Abraham leaves Ge 11:31 ; 15:7 ; Ne 9:7 -2 are but 500 yards apart overall main antagonist the! Called Harran in Turkey & # x27 ; s mighty men 1Ch 11:35 ff ), ` ;! Corresponds today to the Northeast ruin Tel er Rijmah, `` the mound the. Are in distress into another of their existence in ancient times through archaeology.1 miles S. of Jerusalem, and called... 9 ( 3AXT, ` 65v0g3 ; Y_NaMJ-ovd ; yl: { P )!..., the year distance from haran to gilead the Roman Empire in the valley of Eshcol, about 12 miles to East! To make oneself ` a, fully 1,500 ft. lower ; but see Shalem overall main antagonist the! In Mesopotamia, before he lived therein 3:12 obviously stands for the whole country tent, and villages...: 1 by Mohammedans el-Khulil, `` black. bDAB8~4egS54 Twenty Roman S.! Times through archaeology.1 considerable importancebefore his father-in-law overtook him back or shoulder ) 1Ch... Ewing, a region in Palestine, also the name of Egypt father of Gilead of Eshcol, 3.

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