Europeans still perceived Spain more as an African country, as in Alexandre Dumas (himself of African descent) apocryphal observation: Africa begins at the Pyrenees (Altaschul 2012: 11), and Enlightened Spaniards tried hard to overcome that. Carta a Francisco de Paula Santander. Wittfogel, K. 1953. Let us start by saying that by 1819, Simon Bolivar was a very uncertain man who had lived till then a hectic life. In: Lively, J (ed. Paredes Muante, J. As with any leader who faces the dichotomy between utopias and realities, Bolivar had some profound ideological transformations throughout his political and military career. Bolivar, S. 1819. The opportunity came in 1808 when Napoleon invaded Spain, and the Caracas junta which became the facto government- rejected Spanish authority in Seville in 1810, and reaffirmed its allegiance to Ferdinand VII, who was imprisoned by Napoleon. As complement to the strong executive power, in the Angostura Address Bolivar proposed a legislative power divided in two chambers: Representatives and the Senate. He was a spirited combatant of monarchies, yet he insisted on being president for life (i.e., a king without a crown). . Yet, despite his admiration for the United States, Bolivar insists that South American nations are not ready for federalism or even North American institutions as a whole, on account of a cultural mismatch: Would it not be extremely difficult to apply to Spain the political, civil, and religious code of Great Britain? If he attempts to infringe upon the law, his own ministers will desert him, thereby isolating him from the Republic, and they will even bring charges against him in the Senate. Roberts, P. 2012. 47, no. Indeed, despite his strong criticisms of Spanish imperialism he seemed to acknowledge that Spanish rule offered an important degree of stability and unity while independence could bring instead disunity and possible chaos amongst the emerging nations: The separation of America from the Spanish Monarchy resembles the state of the Roman Empire, when that enormous structure fell to pieces in the midst of the ancient world (Bolivar 1819). DOI:, Andrade, G., & Lugo-Ocando, J. . The creation of a hereditary senate would in no way be a violation of political equality. Latin America in the World Arena, 1990s Present, Moments and Events in Contemporary US-Latin American Relations, Document #43: Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) statement on Honduras, Document #42 President Obamas speech at the 2009 Summit of the Americas, Document #44: The Path Forward for Honduras, Document #45 Honduras: The Obama Administrations First Latin American Waterloo (2009), Document #47 Hillary Clintons speech on Opportunity in the Americas (2010), Modern Latin America, 8th Edition Companion Website, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Iberoamericana Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 47(1), 7482. But the key difference is this: the governors of Isfahan are Persians, the viziers of the Great Lord in Turkey are Turks, and the sultans of Tartary are Tartars. In 2010, in the backdrop of a wave of left-wing, populists and nationalists governments that have been swept into power in what some refer to as the Pink Tide (Chodor 2014), many Latin American countries (most notably Venezuela, Peru and Argentina) held massive celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the beginning of independence from Spain. Yet, astonishingly, Ferdinand abolished the 1812 Constitution, and imposed a new absolutist regime that, once again, contemplated the American territories as colonies. Bolivar was certainly the foremost figure that synthetized formal political thought, constitutional doctrine, and revolutionary action. Bolivar's speaking style reflected the values of his epoch. Under the flags of freedom: slave soldiers and the wars of independence in Spanish South America. But, he believed that federalism was not suited for the political culture of Spanish America, Indeed, this is the main thesis of his Cartagena Manifesto, in which he places most of the blame for the collapse of Venezuelas First Republic, on federalism. There are some accounts that suggest instead that Bolivar may have been genuinely concerned with perpetual dictators at first (Harwich 2001). Like the North Americans, we have divided national representation into two chambers: that of Representatives and the Senate. Do we not read in Montesquieus Spirit of the Laws that laws should be suited to the people making them, and that it is extremely unlikely that the laws of our nation will suit another? (Bolivar 1819). His choice of admiration for an ancient Greek city, reveals his militaristic tendency in the Angostura Address: The Republic of Sparta produced more real effects than Solons ingenious creation, even though it seemed a chimerical invention at first. All three sources reveal patriotic feelings and attitudes towards their own countries. Unlike Jose de San Martin (who explicitly desired a Constitutional Monarchy for emerging South American nations), he constantly paid lip service to the toppling of monarchs. Annino, A. Democracy in America. But there is more. This supreme authority must be perpetual (Bolivar 1819). Introduction to Political Thought. Throughout the document, he is concerned about whether or not the emerging nations are truly ready for liberal forms of government. If he exists, I certainly have no knowledge of him (Maistre 1965: 80). But, it was not a mere cynical ploy to enlarge his armies. Prof. Arkenberg has modernized the text. Bolivar did not elaborate much on what this moral power would do exactly, but he seemed to have in mind a governing body akin to Roman censors, whose basic function was to regulate public morality (Leiva 1985). The Angostura Address 200 Years Later: A Critical Reading. . 2015. Unless the executive has easy access to all the administrative resources, fixed by a just distribution of powers, he inevitably becomes a nonentity or abuses his authority. I will add that that people is unique in the history of the human race, and repeat that it is a miracle that a system as weak and complicated as the federal should have existed under so difficult and delicate circumstances as those which have occurred (Bolivar 1819). Iberoamericana Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 47 (1): 7482. The ministers, being responsible for any transgressions committed, will actually govern, since they must account for their actions. Our piece is an opportunity to challenge future attempts by the Venezuelan government with its self-proclaimed Bolivarian Revolution- to expand the uncritical hero-worship of Simon Bolivars memory as an instrument of self-national aggrandizement.1. Madrid: Planeta. He was a staunch anti-colonialist when it came to Spanish America; but he had high praises for the Roman imperial ethos, he seemed content with the British imperialism of his day, and he repeated many of the tropes typical of 19th Century colonialist thinking. The Angostura Address, by contrast, is far more about Bolivars actual political proposals in thinking about what lies ahead for Spanish America after independence. Inspired by the revolutions of both the. Despite not controlling Venezuela, Bolivar called for a Second Congress of Venezuela (the first one had been called in 1811 in Caracas, to declare independence), to assemble in Angostura. House of Angostura, a Trinidad and Tobago company manufacturing angostura bitters. Simon Bolivar's message to the Congress of Agostura is explaining that the people of Venezuela should be free and not be ruled over by someon thousands of miles of way. Unlike other far more questionable Venezuelan caudillos of the latter 19th Century (such as Ezequiel Zamora), who freed their slaves only after having been financially compensated, Bolivar genuinely freed his own slaves without any compensation. (2018). Bolivars authoritarian turn came later in his political career, well after independence was sealed. However, as we will argue in this paper, it is precisely due to the nationalist distortions that are likely to occur around the nature and context of the Angostura delivery that calls for a more critical reading of the document. Iberoamericana Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. The Viceroyalty of New Granadawhich included present-day Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, and parts of Ecuadorachieved independence from the Spanish Empire in a slow and uneven process. During the Second National Congress of Angostura on February 15, 1819 Bolivar stood and gave an address that would form its own place in history. In his view, federalism may work in some countries, but not in all. Said, E. 2006. Hence, many expect that the 2019 will again be a year of nationalist unexamined joy, celebrating the Angostura Address. However, given that the rest of Venezuela was still controlled by Spanish authorities, only a few provinces could send delegates. The Angostura Address 200 Years Later: A Critical Reading. Originally published in 1923, as part of the Cambridge Plain Texts series, this volume contains the complete text of Simn Bolvar's address before the Venezuelan Congress at Angostura on February 15, 1819. The Congress ultimately decided not to pursue two of Bolivars most controversial proposals in the Angostura Address: a moral power, and a hereditary senate. Orientalism. What I propose is an office for which the candidates must prepare themselves, an office that demands great knowledge and the ability to acquire such knowledge. The United States had just solidified their. Happy the citizen that under the shield of arms under his command, has convoked National Sovereignty to exercise its absolute will! In 1829, in the mist of continuous crises of legitimacy, some of Bolivars loyalists in Bogota proposed to establish a monarchy, with Bolivar as king, although his title would be Liberator; he would then have a European prince as successor (Lynch 2010: 263). In the speech, Bolvar lays the foundations for the establishment of democratically governed Gran Colombia that is free from the burden of slavery and racial inequality. Pablo Morillo and Venezuela, 18151820. Precisely because no form of government is so weak as the democratic, its framework must be firmer, and its institutions must be studied to determine their degree of stabilityunless this is done, we will have to reckon with an ungovernable, tumultuous, and anarchic society, not with a social order where happiness, peace, and justice prevail. The whole purpose of the Angostura Congress was precisely for Bolivar to renounce power as dictator and give it back to the constituency. The facts that the year 2019 will mark the 200th anniversary of Bolivars Angostura Address, is perhaps a neat opportunity to correct this and perhaps fill some of the gaps of a story that in the light of the Venezuelas crisis of today has become ever so more relevant in our days. 3(1): 2553. We have been ruled more by deceit than by force, and we have been degraded more by vice than by superstition. Bolivar was fully aware that whoever takes on the responsibility of demolishing an ancient order, must also immediately come up with ideas for a new one. 7482. Considerations on France. The address is presented in Spanish with a short editorial introduction in English. Ciudad Bolvar (Spanish pronunciation: [sjua olia]; Spanish for "Bolivar City"), formerly known as Angostura and St. Thomas de Guyana, is the capital of Venezuela's southeastern Bolvar State.It lies at the spot where the Orinoco River narrows to about 1 mile (1.6 km) in width, is the site of the first bridge across the river, and is a major riverport for the eastern regions of . Madrid: Espasa Calpe. These leaders assumed the role of dictators while rhetorically expressing their reluctance to do so. Yet, it is very revealing that, in this and other passages, he has a predilection for Rousseau. On February 15, 1819, The Liberator entered the Government Palace of Angostura along with Rafael Urdaneta, Toms Montilla and Addressing the Congress of Angostura, 1819 [Bolvar addresses the Congress of Angostura. Please try again in 48 hours. Retrieved from: Prof. Arkenberg has modernized the text. The Lycurgus legislature produced glory, virtue, morality and therefore national happiness (Bolivar 1819). Maistre, J. The Jamaica Letter is mostly about Bolivars attempt to justify his struggle for American independence. In the Angostura Address, he returns to this theme: The more I admire the excellency of the Federal Constitution of Venezuela, the more am I convinced of the impossibility of applying it to our situation (Bolivar 1819). Although there were many reasons for Bolivars disputes with Francisco de Paula Santander (17921840) and other conspirators in Bogota, it was by far the ambition of becoming President for Life that turned out to be the most crucial amongst his opponents. Login has been disabled for this journal while it is transferred to a new platform. When it came to liberty, Rousseau himself had some qualms about how truly liberal a State should be, to the point that he claimed in an oft-quoted phrase from The Social Contract, that subjects should be forced to be free (Roberts 2012: 117). Armed Trading Weaponry on trade ships. The Lower Classes . Bolivar never really says. Cuba: Key Colony, Socialist State, From Haciendas to the Peal of the Antilles, The Island of Cuba, Alexander von Humboldt (1856), Through Afro-America, William Archer (1910), Document #13: Montecristi Manifesto, by Jos Mart and Mximo Gmez (1895), Document #14: My Race, Jose Mart (1893), Document #15: History Will Absolve Me, by Fidel Castro (1953), Document #17: What is Cubas Sin?, Fidel Castro (2003), Document #16: Statement from Mexico City, Juana Castro (1964), Chapter 6. Bolvar had the objective of emerging a plan of governance as he lays out his understanding of the independence movement and his belief on how the future of Latin American nations should be legally structured. He genuinely emancipated slaves, yet was extremely afraid of a takeover by pardos and all the savage hordes from Africa and America who roam like wild deer in the wilderness of Colombia (Bolivar 1821). Lpez, J and Lopez, J. Starting in 1999, Bolivars image was politically used by Hugo Chavezs leftist revolution, and ever since, leftist governments and guerrillas (especially FARC in Colombia) throughout the region have claimed to be followers of Bolivarian thinking. This would become a perennial feature amongst many Latin American caudillos ever since and something that would dominate most of the regions politics and society for the next century (Castro 2007). In this regard, Bolivar very much anticipates Tocquevilles analysis in Democracy in America. He failed miserably, the Republic collapsed, and after guaranteeing his own freedom by turning against Francisco de Miranda he managed to flee into exile (Paredes 2015). It met from February 15, 1819, established the new independent-from-Spain nation on December 17, was interrupted by further independentist activity, and reconvened on July 31, 1821, when . A republican magistrate is an individual set apart from society, charged with checking the impulse of the people toward license and the propensity of judges and administrators toward abuse of the laws. During Habsburg times, a great deal of contraband went on, but with the arrival of the Bourbons, economic regulations were severely tightened and enforced. Bolivar was a great man of action and an important thinker, but he was still flawed in many regards. ), but few embodied both military and intellectual talents. Yet, in 1999, Venezuelas constituents did uphold Bolivars original proposal, in a new Constitution. In imitation of the British House of Lords, Bolivar proposed a hereditary Senate. Some nostalgic defenders of the Spanish Empire in Latin American countries claim that the Indies were not colonies at all. Angostura, 1819" Main Point Summary/Background: Simn Bolvar's "Message to the Congress of Angostura, 1819" is more than the opening speech of a statesman to a constituent assembly; it is a voice that embodied realities of a new revolutionary society in Latin America. The executive power, consisting of two consuls, had the same flaw as Sparta. Angostura (plant), a genus in the family Rutaceae. Despite Bolivars gratitude for Petions support, Bolivar was extremely concerned by the way the Haitian revolutionaries exterminated whites. Columbus: Ohio State University Press. . Bolivar himself made such a proclaim when arguing: Amidst that sea of woes and afflictions, I was nothing more than the miserable sport of the revolutionary hurricane, driven to and fro like the wild bird of the ocean (Bolivar 1819). In the Angostura Address, Bolivar, typical in his style, praises North American society over and over again: Our legislators were influenced by the provincials, and were carried away by the dazzling appearance of North Americas happiness, thinking that the blessings she enjoyed were owed exclusively to the form of government, and not to the character of the people (Bolivar 1819). The enforcement of public morality has repeatedly been associated with authoritarian regimes. Despite this, it was still an important event as Bolivar would communicate the basis of his political doctrine. Draper, H. 1968. Bolivars choice of despotic governments, once again, reveals that he was a man of his time. Bolivar, once again, was a man of the Enlightenment, but on this dispute, he seemed to be more on the side of Counter-Enlightenment figures who believed that the same political recipe could not be applied universally to all nations. This new nation . See, for example, Madariaga (1951) and Carrera Damas (2003). years prior to the Congress of Angostura. 2015. It is an office for which candidates ought to be prepared, as a senator needs much wisdom and the right faculties to acquire knowledge (Bolivar 1819). He attempts to excuse himself thus: Only an imperative necessity, united to a strongly expressed desire on the part of the people, could have induced me to assume the dreadful and dangerous office of dictator, supreme chief of the republic (Bolivar 1819). Carrera Damas, G. 2003. The Angostura Address: Cultural identity, ethnic relations Although never formally educated in universities, Bolivar was a self-taught man and had at least two illustrious tutors who were the arguably the leading intellectuals of the region at the time; Simon Rodriguez and Andres Bello. Again, Bolivar never answers. DOI: Lynch, J. Government posts were bought and sold, thus being filled by grossly incompetent administrators. Bolivar was decidedly on the abolitionist side, and this speaks very well of his moral character. Simn Bolvar, el culto heroico y la nacin. Hispanic American Historical Review, 107145. This argument is hard to follow. What state is more powerful than Great Britain? Give Venezuela such an executive power in the person of a president chosen by the people or their representatives, and you will have taken a great step toward national happiness. Death and Money in the Afternoon: A History of the Spanish Bullfight. Amrica Latina 4. ), The Works of Joseph de Maistre. ), EZLN Command (1993), Chapter 4. Simon Bolvar's 1819 address to the Congress of Angostura took place in Venezuela during the long course of the struggle for independence. Delhi: Penguin Books. Damas, G. 1983. The Angostura Address 200 Years Later: A Critical Reading. It should be strongly proportioned to meet the resistance, which the executive must expect from the legislature, from the judiciary, and from the people of a republic. He had a great ability to arouse emotions with grand claims in order to get the support of his audiences, but he was still lacking in detailed political reasoning. Latin America in the World Arena, 1990s - Present. Bolivars stand on the abolition of monarchy, however, is more problematic. Bolivar acknowledged that federal forms of government were theoretically virtuous, and that democratic systems of checks and balances were to be emulated. As our role has always been strictly passive and political existence nil, we find that our quest for liberty is now even more difficult of accomplishment; for we, having been placed in a state lower than slavery, had been robbed not only of our freedom but also of the right to exercise an active domestic tyranny . DOI:, Andrade G, Lugo-Ocando J. He believes that The most perfect system of government is that which produces the greatest degree of happiness, of social security, and political stability (Bolivar 1819). Sparta, of course, is the emblem of militarism in Western imagination. Americans and the French, Bolvar led the. Prof. Arkenberg has modernized the text. . Some critics have accussed Bolvar of verbosity. Download date: August 25th, 2018. 2010. CiteSeerX Address to the Congress at Angostura CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): The idea never entered into my head to consider as identical the characteristics of two peoples as different as the Anglo-American and the Spanish-American. from the original Spanish by Francisco Javier Ynes) by Bolvar, Simn, 1783-1830; Ynes, Francisco Javier, 1861-1924; Venezuela . from the Original Spanish by Francisco Javier Ynes). For, of all Enlightenment thinkers, Rousseau is typically considered to be somewhat of an outsider, even a pioneer of the Counter-Enlightenment. The creation of a hereditary Senate some nostalgic defenders of the Spanish Empire in Latin American Caribbean... This Journal while it is transferred to a new Constitution Ynes, Francisco Javier Ynes ) login been. Posts were bought and sold, thus being filled by grossly incompetent.! 2001 ) & # x27 ; s speaking style reflected the values of his political career, after! 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