Parnell worked at the Yosemite Lodge, located about two hours away from the Stayner home. As a child, Stayner suffered from intrusive images in his head, including thoughts about his mother being kidnapped. The brothers, four years apart in age, shared a room, but didnt get along, according to Rowlands. At first, they believed the perpetrator was already in custody; this proved to be a fatal mistake. Jesse Houtz, co-owner of Cedar Lodge Restaurants, said Cary Stayner would hang out at the bar, but often kept to himself. Detectives began interviewing employees of the Cedar Lodge motel where the first three victims had been staying just before their deaths. Steven Stayner: Lost, Found, Freed. He told Hartman that his parents "didnt change that much," but his brother and sisters, "they changed a lot. Had no interest in girls, had no interest in people. After her friends reported her missing, police found signs of a struggle at her cabin and half a mile away, they found her body. Stayner is reported to have attempted suicide in 1991,[6] and was arrested in 1997 for possession of marijuana[4] and methamphetamine,[7] although these charges were eventually dropped. When Steven didnt make it home from school, his parents sounded the alarm. Cary was arrested the following year and was convicted of all four women's murders and put to death in the trials that followed. "He paid a local kid to ride with him to the little town of Ukiah, California, puts this high school kid out on the street to go find him a boy, and he finds 5-year-old Timothy White walking home from school," Flynn said. Then he took matters into his own hands. "Ken Parnell went back to what he had been doing for years. "For seven years I have been supposedly an only child. The results showed that his mental issues were aligned with schizophrenia and other mental disorders. If being the mother of one of California's most notorious killers isn't tragic enough, Kay Stayner is also the mother of one of its most high-profile victims. The boy was asked if he wanted to donate something to a church. He was interviewed by Good Morning America a few times and his story was adapted into a book and movie. In 1972, when he was eleven, his seven-year-old brother, Steven Stayner, was abducted by a pedophile, Kenneth Parnell, and didn't escape until eight years later. During the sentencing hearing, Stayner stunned the courtroom when he suddenly broke down in tears and apologized. The two brothers of the Stayner family are both famous, both tied to the wonder of Yosemite National Park, and both knew unspeakable horror. He found someone else to help him find another boy, only this time he was caught and he was sent to prison again -- where he died in 2008.". Steven Stayner and his parents, Kay Stayner and Delbert Stayner, reunited after seven years of losing their son in abduction. In 1997, Stayner was hired as a handyman at the Cedar Lodge motel in El Portal, California, just outside the Highway 140 entrance to Yosemite National Park. Steven Stayner and Timmy White at a police press conference in 1980. "I wish I could tell you why I did such a thing, but I dont even know myself. Aged seven, Stayner, a California native, was abducted by child molester Kenneth Parnell. [3] Cary later said that he felt neglected while his parents grieved over the loss of Steven. A cousin said that Stayner spied on her and his sisters and a neighbor girl, hiding under their beds and secretly videotaping them in the bathroom and bedroom. Today, the idea of a 7-year old walking home from school alone is almost unheard of. He was held in captivity for seven years. It means I can die with a clear conscience now, whenever that day comes, Stayner said, according to Rinek. 42-year-old Carole Sund, 15-year-old Juli Sund, 16-year-old Silvina Pelosso, and 26-year-old Joie Ruth . Stayner's 1972 abduction was originally treated like a local news item about every parent's worst nightmare. But he received it nevertheless, and he is in prison. As he was walking home from school on December 4th 1972, he was approached by a man named Ervin Murphy claiming to be a representative of the church who was looking for donations. ". The two brothers now had to share a room, but they didn't get along. To avoid a possible death sentence, he pleaded guilty to premeditated first-degree murder, felony first-degree murder, kidnapping resulting in death, and attempted aggravated sexual abuse resulting in death. It was common for the couple to load the kids in the car and take off in search of a new tip that could lead them to Steven. Cary Stayner is led into a van by a U.S. [3] Cary later said that he felt neglected while his parents grieved over the loss of Steven. According to Rowlands, "He was wearing a hat because he was compulsively pulling his hair out. On July 23, when Cary Stayner was released from custody for his marijuana charge, he quickly packed up and left for Laguna del Sol, a nudist colony, according to ABC News. In the car, Stayner started rambling about seeing Bigfoot in the woods. The driver was taken aback by his strange behavior but did nothing about it since the FBI had publicly announced that the killer was likely in custody, according to ABC News. Meanwhile, investigators began to suspect Stayner and released his name to the public. Still, Stayner wanted to help. Stacy has worked at the San Francisco Chronicle as a reporter since 1997, when she moved to San Francisco after previously working at the Rocky Mountain News, Los Angeles Daily News, San Diego Union-Tribune and the Los Angeles Times. Stayner was sentenced to death for the four murders, and is still on death row at San Quentin Penitentiary in California. Kay lost her son Steven in a motorcycle accident, and even though his son was found guilty of murder, she begged the jury to not give her son the death penalty. Steven Stayners fame was short-lived. While Steven was grappling with life after his escape, his brother was out of high school with his own troubles. ", Steven also struggled in high school where he was bullied for the tragic abuse he had endured. "I'm just shocked that he would be involved in something like this.". Kenneth told Steven that his parents had given him away and that his new name was Dennis. Thomas H. Lee is the son of Herbert C. Lee and Mildred "Micki" Schiff Lee. On March 1, 1980, Steven waited until Parnell was at work and then fled with Timothy. "His idea of serenity was to maybe smoke a little pot and to sunbathe naked.". He read comics and listened to metal, according to SFGate. Five months passed without another killing, and the community surrounding Yosemite was lulled into a sense of calm especially when the FBI announced that those they believed responsible for the murders were in custody. Stayner and White left while Parnell was at work and took refuge at a police station, where they informed authorities of their abduction. Cary had been a doting older brother who played with Steven. He sure led a rough life, California Highway Patrol Sgt. She appears content to be beside her family and friends. "We got Steve back, not Stevie," said Kay Stayner, who spent a lot of time telling the jury about the toll her youngest son's disappearance took on the family and how it affected Cary. What happened to the Stayner brothers? A third brother, Cary Stayner, is seen in a ball cap in the background between his brothers Steven and Delbert. ", 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. "They said they wanted to get away and wash away some bad memories.". When the decapitated body of Joie Ruth Armstrong was found, eyewitnesses said they saw a blue 1972 International Scout parked outside the cabin where she was staying. And if I didnt take care of it now, it would just get worse,'" Duke said. But they said they can't imagine losing another son. What happened to Gary Hilton? Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. His mother, Kay, flipped through the photographs Thursday from a witness stand in Santa Clara County Superior Court. The defendant's father, Delbert Stayner, testified that after Steven went missing, he became obsessed with finding his boy and neglected his other four children -- especially Cary. We were talking about the Kennedy family, and all the bad things that have happened to them," Strength said. California Department of CorrectionsCary Stayner's prison record. "Its dark and Timmy can't remember where he lives. A month later, Juli's body was found 40 miles away. Assistant Sheriff Strength said Stayner was on the waiting list for a job as a county jail guard. He grew up, got married and had two kids. An FBI agent said that Stayner recounted his crimes "as if he was reading a soup label," (via ABC News). Your IP: In December 1972, when Stayner was seven, he was approached . Despite the problems that all the publicity caused for Steven including bullying and a general lack of privacy his older brother Cary seemed to envy it. What happened to Cary Stayner, and where is he now? The tale of his abduction and escape was adapted into a book and novel, both titled "I Know My Name First Name Is Steven." On GMA in March 1980, Steven shared with former host David Hartman that it felt "great" to be home. Surrounded by endless complainers? Stayner was tried in federal court for Armstrong's murder since it occurred on federal land. "He seemed like a nice guy. [5] The bodies were burned beyond recognition and were identified using dental records. Bill Balestra said of Stayner, who was returned to his parents . San Quentin is a notoriously tough place to live with a checkered human rights history. "The only time Steve would kill anything like a fish is because we were gonna eat it. In addition to his fraught life at home and at school, Steven, still just a teenager by this point, also had to face Parnell in court. When Steven returned home on March 2, 1980, the cameras were there to capture the moment he hugged his parents, Kay and Delbert Stayner. In December 1990, Jesse "Jerry" Stayner, 42, Cary and Steven's uncle, was shot to death in his Merced home. Kay Stayner said that although her father molested her as a child, she allowed him to live in the Stayner home but kept him away from her daughters. Only 13 were executed, according to KMPH News. "Dad" and saying his parents no longer wanted him. Very seldom did he get into trouble. Stayners parents withdrew emotionally after Steven went missing, Rinek wrote. "It seemed as though he had a compulsion with trying to get close to women or be sexual with them," Rowlands said. They were staying at Cedar Lodge at the edge of Yosemite National Park. In February 1980, Parnell decided to capture a new, younger boy. By that time, Cary Stayner was already having grotesque fantasies, the agent wrote. "Kenneth Parnell stops the car and goes to a payphone, he comes back and tells Steven, 'Your parents, I just spoke to them. On top of that, cameras were constantly following Stayner. Shock was a familiar reaction in Merced, a San Joaquin Valley city about 100 miles southeast of San Francisco, where residents considered Steven Stayner a hero for escaping from a child molester in 1980, only to die in a motorcycle accident nine years later. Cary Anthony Stayner claimed that he'd dreamed about women being gang-raped and murdered since he was about 7 years old, long before his brother was kidnapped or thought to be in danger, as time went on. "Parnell wanted another kid that he could sexually assault.". "Cary, as the older brother, had a very strange relationship now with his younger brother, Steven, who was getting all of this attention and who was a different person," Rowlands said. Panda's thread on parents of murderers reminded me of the Steven Stayner case and his parents. On July 23, when Cary Stayner was released from custody for his marijuana charge, he quickly packed up and left for Laguna del Sol, a nudist colony, according to ABC News. His mental health issues predated his brother's abduction. Cos Ive not until about an hour ago and its definitely one for the books. They then slept in the same bed, and Cary awoke to his uncle attempting to molest him, according to SFGate. Steven was told his new name was Dennis Parnell and was enrolled in school. On December 4, 1972, seven-year-old Steven Stayner was on his way home from school when Ervin Edward Murphy approached him, pretending to be a dude from the church handing out gospel tracts, as. As for where Delbert and Kay Stayner are now, the pair had made it evident that they wanted to lead quiet lives after the events of the early 2000s. Born on April 18, 1965, Steven Stayner was the third of 5 children born in the Stayner family in Merced, California. Cary Stayner worked at Cedar Lodge for two years before he killed guests Carole and Juli Sund and Silvina Pelosso. He. Her mother was a waitress at the California lodge in 1998 and Stayner lived in an apartment above the restaurant. Now Steven Stayner's brother, Cary, 37, was the prime suspect in the decapitation killing of a young naturalist, and the FBI suggested he had a role in the murder of three Yosemite tourists in February - Carole Sund, her daughter, Juli, and family friend Silvina Pelosso. Currently, she is a business reporter, covering the food and wine industries, agriculture and tourism. He thought he heard voices and other mysterious noises, like messages emanating from the television. After his arrest, the FBI later informed her mother of Stayner's original intentions, which involved killing them all and raping Lenna and her sister. I'd play basketball with them, hang out with them," said Tim Tatum. But Stayner made some around him feel uncomfortable, particularly girls his age. They no longer want you,'" investigative journalist Pat LaLama said. Powered by VIP. As per her testimony during Carys 2002 trial, she was raised to keep her emotions to herself by her father, who insisted that she would otherwise seem crazy like her mother. Stayner had trouble developing relationships with girls, despite some interest from them. Cary, the motel handyman and champion underachiever who was arrested at a nudist colony, said in a jailhouse interview that voices told him to kill Carole and Juli Sund and Silvina Pelosso in. [9] His vehicle yielded evidence proving his link to Armstrong. The trips always ended in a wild goose chase, according to testimony. I know theyre going to give me the death penalty. As a kid, Cary Stayner became famous for all the bad things that happened to his family. My son is very sick right now, the familys patriarch said while sobbing. He had been a young patrol officer in 1972 when Cary Stayner's younger brother, Steven Stayner, was snatched off a Merced street in the county's most infamous kidnapping. [16], Kidnapping resulting in death (18 U.S.C. Steven was a different person when he returned to his home in Merced, California. He was always nearby and on hand, opening rooms at the Cedar Lodge for investigators to search for evidence. Stayner's parents fear losing another son. Delbert Stayner, left, and his wife Kay, 2nd from left, talk with their son's attorney, Marcia Morrissey, second from right, and an unidentified member of the defense team, outside of Santa Clara Superior Court during the penalty phase of Cary Stayner's murder trial on Thursday, October 3, 2002. For two weeks, Steven watched Timothy suffer the separation from his family. MERCED - The name sounded familiar to Assistant Sheriff Henry Strength when an FBI agent called him Saturday morning, wanting the criminal record of a possible suspect in a murder in Yosemite. Sadly, even though she kept her father away from her daughters while he stayed with them, they were still unsafe as Delbert reportedly carried on the cycle of parental molestation. Stayner himself played the part of a police officer in the second part of the series. What happened to Steven's older brother, Cary? "He literally said, 'I was not going to let that child go through what I had already been through. Lesli Armstrong, Armstrong's mother, started crying as she listened to Stayner, and said afterward that she believed his apology was genuine. The murders occurred in Mariposa County, California near Yosemite National Park. ", "He stated that he felt like jumping in a truck, driving it through the shop and killing the boss and killing everybody in the office, and then torching the place," friend Mark Marchese said in 1999. Along Bette Street, neighbors searched for clues from Cary Stayner's childhood that he was capable of the gruesome crime. Steven Stayner was 7 years old when he was approached on his way home from school by a Ukiah hotel clerk named Kenneth Parnell. He stayed away from most of the other kids.". When Cary Stayner was just 11, his younger brother, Steven, 7, was snatched from a Merced street on his way home from school. But Kay knew that child molestation, something she went through, was out of the question. Kay lost her son Steven in a motorcycle accident, and even though his son was found guilty of murder, she begged the jury to not give her son the death penalty. Stayner pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to the other murders in state court. While both of them are fairly well-known, its for entirely different reasons. He started chatting with one of the bar's regulars, Janet Damant. "Everything they did and everything they had, it was about Steven," she said. "Hes ready to kill again. ABCs 20/20: Yosemite Serial Killer, as the title suggests, profiles the tale of the male who carried out four murders in six months near the Yosemite National Park in 1999. When 800,000 children disappear every year worldwide - 460,000 of these from the United States . One relative described child sexual abuse as like a family sickness because it had been going on for so many generations. During that time, he was physically and mentally abused by Kenneth which deeply affected him as a person. The first two victims, Carole Sund and Pelosso, were found in the trunk of the charred remains of Sund's Pontiac rental car. [4] Between February and July 1999, he murdered two women and two teenagers: 42-year-old Carole Sund; her daughter, 15-year-old Juli Sund; Juli's friend, 16-year-old Argentine exchange student Silvina Pelosso; and Yosemite Institute employee Joie Ruth Armstrong, a 26-year-old naturalist.[5]. "I heard stories about him going out and wishing on a star, that his brother would come home.". It was Dec. 4, 1972. When Cary confessed to the four Yosemite murders, he asked authorities to contact Hollywood producers so that his story could be made into a movie, just like his brother's. FBI agents caught up with Stayner at a nudist colony, where he had fled to after Armstrongs murder. At the end of his murder trial in 2002, Cary Stayner was sentenced to death for the murders of Carole and Juli Sund and Silvina Pelosso. He taught them how to dive into the water and bought them a new Beanie Baby with every visit. He is now 59 years old. Presently, he remains incarcerated at the San Quentin State Prison. MERCED, Calif. (AP) _ Steven Stayner, kidnapped at the age of 7 and forced to live as the sexually abused foster son of his abductor until he escaped seven years later, has been killed in a hit-and-run traffic accident. His abductor kept and sexually abused Steven for seven years. His brother Steven was held captive for more than seven years before escaping and reuniting with his family. Nearly 20 years later, Stayner is still on death row, his prison record shows.California Department of CorrectionsCary Stayner's prison record. That night, he talked his way into their room under the guise of fixing a leak, and then sexually assaulted both girls and brutally murdered all three. When a tip was called in about Stayner's car, which had been parked near the crime scene, investigators only thought of him as a potential witness, per ABC News. Telling police, "I know my first name is Steven" became the most iconic moment in Stevens remarkable story later becoming the title of the book and a television movie. I'll just give you a ride home.' "But executing him is not going to bring them back.". Powered by. On March 19, 1999, law enforcement officials discover the charred bodies of forty-two-year-old Carol Sund and sixteen-year-old Silvina Pelosso in the trunk of their burned-out rental car, a day. However, during Cary's murder trial, his attorneys argued that he never wanted fame or attention, calling him a "shrinking violet," per the Independent. California Department of CorrectionsCary Stayners prison record. According to local reporter Ted Rowlands, Stayner wanted to connect sexually with girls but struggled to have normal relationships with them (via ABC News). 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Tragically, Steven Stayner was killed in a 1989 motorcycle accident at age 24. Not only was Steven able to explain to police what happened to him and Timothy, he was also able to tell them his real name was Steven, not Dennis. Born on August 13, 1961, Cary was raised in Merced, California along with his younger brother, Steven Stayner, who was kidnapped by child molester Kenneth Parnell in 1972, when Cary was barely 11. Still, Stayner wanted to help his parents and asked that a $250,000 reward for information go to his family, Rinek . She told him to stop, and he left only to reappear nude at the doorway. Stayner later told investigators that he had bound Armstrong and forced her into his car, and she heroically escaped before he caught up to her, according to ABC News. Moreover, according to his testimony in 2002, when Steven went missing, he became fixated with finding him and neglected his four other children in the process, particularly Cary. An FBI agent believed they would've been Stayner's next victims had he not been caught,per ABC News. Most people now know him as "The Yosemite Park Killer". Therefore, Kay swore to raise her children that same way, without an ounce of sentimental touch or warmth, which Delbert seemed to agree with. Cary Stayner "was a very, very good cartoonist," and was voted "most creative" at school, according to Purdy. On Sept. 20, 1989, Steven Stayner was riding his new Kawasaki motorcycle without a helmet in the rain. Cary Stayner is an American serial killer and the oldest brother of Steven Stayner. The brothers, Cary and Steven Stayner, were dual opposites; although Cary didn't experience the same abduction ordeal as his younger brother, Steven, he dealt with his own demons and ultimately succumbed to them through rape and murder. "Then you have Steven Stayner get kidnapped, and then he comes back and gets killed in a motorcycle accident. And then Kay Stayner, who was raised to keep her emotions to herself, cried. However, it took several months for investigators to realize Stayner was behind the killings. But Cary Stayner also exhibited some behaviors that made others uncomfortable, including, as he later admitted, exposing himself to his sister's friend. Joie Ruth Armstrong, a naturalist at Yosemite National Park, was brutally murdered by Cary Stayner, a motel handyman at the Cedar Lodge in El Portal, Calif. (The . The jury in Stayner's triple murder trial is expected to soon decide whether Stayner should live out his life in prison or die for the murders of three Yosemite tourists. And they searched. He had begun working as a handyman at a motel in El Portal in the 1990s. One son was abducted when he was 7-years-old. I wish there was a reason. The world is a crazy place, full of unknown dangers. The serial killer is still alive due to the abolition of capital punishment in the state of California. "I was just talking to someone about this. He had visited the resort before in March after his first murder spree, and he lived there in a tent beside a lake. He had joined the Mormon Church. When investigators finally began to suspect Stayner six months later, he had already murdered again. This time, in July, Stayner told Damant that he intended to move to Oregon or Utah. Within days, he's on 'Good Morning America,'" Flynn said. The first time, he was a seven-year-old child on a missing person poster, having disappeared without a trace on his way home . He returns to Merced triumphant. Cary later claimed that Jesse molested him around the same time that Steven was kidnapped.[5]. He finally ran away and turned himself over to a nearby police department. The description is echoed by Cary Stayner's co-workers and friends at the Cedar Lodge near Yosemite Valley, where he lived and worked as a handyman. This is a carousel. Nearly 20 years after that, Steven's older brother Cary would murder four women near Yosemite National Park. And it wasn't that he was just a loner, he was a bit of a creepy loner," Flynn said. Cary with his little brother, Steven. You know, hung out with him, played with him., Martin Purdy, a friend of the brothers, remembered Cary as a "nice guy.". Stayner's days of freedom were soon over once he visited the colony's bar. Steven Gregory Stayner (April 18, 1965 - September 16, 1989) was an American kidnapping victim. In 2021, it was penalized around $400,000 for safety violations that resulted in a COVID-19 outbreak and 28 inmate deaths, per CNN. [2] His seven-year-old brother, Steven Stayner, was kidnapped by child molester Kenneth Parnell in 1972, when Cary was 11, and held captive for more than seven years before escaping and being reunited with his family. Described child sexual abuse as like a family sickness because it had staying! 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